MovieChat Forums > The Originals (2013) Discussion > EW TO loses showrunner MN

EW TO loses showrunner MN

if this is not a hint to end of show then I dont know what will be?

------Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top -----


As the CW president said, season 5 depend on how many viewers in the US are going to watch season 4. TVD S8 isn't doing that great.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


And they certainly stacked the deck to make it hard for The Originals to compete for that performance benchmark. TVD Season Eight makes me cry.

The first rule of truly living, do the thing you're most afraid of -Rebekah Mikaelson


Definitley doesn't help TO is taking TVDs timeslot. If anything it still shocks me CW rather let shows die than try and help them.


Well, TO has two choices: continue in season 5 with Plec at the helm alone, or take a bow after season 4. I know which one I'd vote for.


Take a bow in S4. At this point, it's a mercy kill





I think it's ending. I think JP knows that they are ending. I got the feeling from one of her tweets recently that they ended season 4 as if it were series finale. I don't think she is happy with the ending though.

------Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top -----


With the ending itself, or the fact that one of her pet projects seems to be dead?


She tweeted something liked they hope to get another season otherwise they are screwed after them wrapping up the season. I dont recall the exact words but when I first read it, I was like "Oh, so she is not happy with the ending." I wonder what happened BEFORE ".... he smiles"

On that note I know the most obvious reading into that sentence is that it is KLaus smiling down at his family but recently I have been thinking maybe it is Elijah who is smiling with Hayley and Hope whereas KLaus has left NOLA. I keep thinking about that interview of MN about KLaus questioning himself if he can in his good conscious be a good father to Hope. Now I am contemplating with the idea that Klaus might let go of Hope and give her to Elijah and Hayley to raise her because he will realize that he cannot give HOpe what ELijah can (besides hypocrisy)

------Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top -----


Unless she's peaked- it's a term you use as to, you've done your best work and it's all downhill from here, a bittersweet note really.

The first rule of truly living, do the thing you're most afraid of -Rebekah Mikaelson


so in terms of her projects then?

------Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top -----
