New teaser (spoiler)

A lot of OMGs will be said when a new powerful entity enters the playing field

What could that be? Do the kids in MF chase the Siren to NOLA? I'm hoping it is a pissed off Davina.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


Is there supposed to be another crossover?
I heard rumors that this year the story will be about evil through kids. Not sure if it is true or not.
I dont think Davina is coming back and neither is Cami. Leah might make a guest appearance or so since there is a ghost story involved here. Do vampires have ghosts?
IRRC last yeat they expected us to OMG at every turn too when they brought those thousand year old enemies and big secrets in the closet.

Maybe OMG has simply got to do with some unexpected actions by our favorites. Like maybe Klaus will finally (crossing fingers) realize that Elijah is the biggest dick ever and Elijah will finally face the consequences of his action.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


Maybe, but is says NEW powerful entity. I haven't heard the kids part except for for young Mrs Marshall joining the show.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"


young Mrs. Marshall... Hmmm are we getting some back story of Hayley Marshall?

New powerful entity could be Hope coming and using her powers. Previously she was just a baby so not using too much power but now she is a bit grown up so using more OR it could be exploration of Marcel's power. Marcel turned at the end of season 3. We didnt really see the extent of his powers so maybe he is the NEW powerful entity.

lol honestly there are so many possibilities.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------
