Hang in there!

Ghost in the shell arises as four parts called borders, their was the first and as a fan of both Standalone complex and the two ghost in the shell films this first border is just crap. The only takeaway is that side characters like Pazu have a bit more to do. I just about gave up on Arise after this episode but continued on out of inertia. Border two is the same disappointing crap because like border 1 they miss the core of what made ghost in the shell great, the philosophical element (which admittedly can sometimes be over the top) lends weight and voice to the moral dilemma between man and machine.

So why should you hang in there?

Because Border 3 finally starts to resemble the ghost in the shell franchise we all love. Without going into too much detail, questions about conflict take centre stage and finally make sense of the action. Border 4 is also fairly good and is a decent setup for the eventual Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (releasing Oct 27 2015). So while it's not SAC season 3 like most of us want, there is still some value in this franchise. If you're still unhappy then take solace in the fact that you get to hear Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's voice, she may not be the major in this one but her prescence is reassuring.

A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
