I've seen the 1st installment and . . .

Everything is more than acceptable -- except the music.

Given that this is just the first component of a mult-episode story, they've set the stage well enough.

There are hints of things to come in the close up on the statue and indications of some civic upheaval in the opening frames preceding the grave yard scene. That's all good. However... THE MUSIC'S FROM HUNGER!!!!!

A soundtrack with Yoko Kanno's esthetic would have more than double the total emotional impact of the first installment of this series. I hope they make some adjustment.

The show is working. It hints a even greater potential to come, but the music is a major disappointment.


The music was less than impressive but I was impressed with the rest. I said when I first heard if it's at least as half as good as the previous shows we're in for a real treat. I wasn't disappointed. I saw the 2nd episode the other day. It was even better than the first.
