MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Beyond (2016) Discussion > Bring back JJ or Nolan for the 4th film.

Bring back JJ or Nolan for the 4th film.

Help us Obi Nolan, you are our only hope.


I always wanted either of this directors to be brought in for my other favourite franchise: X-Men.


JJ has to come back for the 4th or the series is dead.


Ha, everyone on this board complained to high heaven about him when STID was out.

Arthur, put the kettle on and dig out those lemon hand wipes.


ID was a financial success unlike this one. Great story plus great director equals a fantastic movie.


Star Wars = Rock and Roll

Star Trek = Classical music

JJ was great for Star Wars.

Nick Meyer was the best for Star Trek.

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


Star Trek needs to be more about exploring space instead of vintage motorcycles.


JJ needs to watch some old Trek episodes if he wants Star Trek to succeed.


Ackbar still agrees 2 years later.


meh, the new star wars was *beep* it was the same thing as Jurassic world, a remake masked by calling it a reboot.



Sad to say it but Nolan wouldn't touch Star Trek with a barge pole.


I would like to see JJ direct the next Bridget Jones movie.
de gustibus non est disputandum


I would love to see one of those directors:
- Peter Jackson
- James Gunn
- Ridley Scott
- George Miller
- Guillermo DelToro
- Joss Whedon
- J.J. Abrams


A Nolan reboot of the franchise would be welcomed. Maybe set during the earth-romulan war and founding of the federation.


yeah, he could do great things with this franchise...


NO, can we please keep JJ AWAY from this franchise? Beyond was finally getting things right without him running the operation. I for one don't think he's this brilliant director everyone makes him out to be. I liked "The Force Awakens", but even that, I still think could have been better off without him running the show. I just think, he has bad ideas, and no one challenges him on those bad ideas because he got idiots like Steven Spielberg bagging his butt.

I think this franchise should have it's spin of different directors at it. There was a campaign to have Jonathan Frakes direct this movie. I think it would be interesting to have someone like him do it. The only quirk; the man hasn't done a movie in years. I'm not sure he'd be up to the task of the modern CGI methods and overall theme to the new Star Trek movies.


I completely agree. Abrams is a terrible filmmaker imho. He and his henchmen already ruined two Star Trek movies for me (for a plethora of reasons, but the heavily distracting lensflare overkill and dutch angles alone were enough!). Beyond was so much better in every respect. I sighed in relief.

I don't want him directly involved in this franchise ever again (maybe continuing as a producer, as such I hope he can't do too much harm). He played a big part in what I personally consider to be the worst that ever happened to Star Trek. So no, thank you. Nearly everyone would be better than him.

Jonathan Frakes isn't anywhere near the top of my wish list, but still an interesting choice. Very unlikely, though. I could rather see him returning to direct a few episodes of the new show Star Trek Discovery instead.


For a moment there I assumed you meant Singer.


Bryan Singer?


please no...


Nolan is smart. He'll stay away from this crap as far as possible.
