MovieChat Forums > Fences (2016) Discussion > So only black people have suffered in li...

So only black people have suffered in life?

Im a latina, nor black or white for that matter. But I can't get around the fact that they have made tons of these "white guilt" films the last 10 years. Its like the only people that ever struggle in life are the black. Its a joke by now...


Yes. Only black people. 🙄 Btw That's sarcasm in case you don't know.. because judging by your statement, you most likely do need many things explained to you.

Cake or death? Hmmmm I choose cake please.


How is this a white guilt film? Making a film about a black experience doesn't immediately make it anti-white.


youre freaking black lady, btw see comment above mine for an explanation


And I suppose you voted for Trump too at the risk of your life?

The villainy you teach me I will execute-and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.




This is not about black people playing the victim. This is based off of a play by August Wilson who wrote this and it was on Broadway. Hell this is about LIFE....


Deep down you must feel that blacks have suffered more than most or else you would not have made that comment. I think you just want someone to acknowledge your people's suffering in the same way that the suffering of black folks is acknowledged. Maybe you should tell the story of your people's suffering. Donald Trump's attacks on your people could perhaps play into your storyline.

@SofaonWheels - You are so right in stating that this film is not about white guilt. The story revolves around a man who missed opportunities due to his own insecurities. He's a sad and unfulfilled man like Willy Loman in Death of A Salesman. The problem is that people have a very difficult time accepting that the black experience does not revolve around white people as is the case with the OP. If they see a black film, particularly a period piece, they automatically assume this must be about the mistreatment of blacks at the hands of whites. They don't have the intellectual capacity to understand that the black experience covers much ground and most of the experiences revolve around personal situations within black families.


The problem is that people have a very difficult time accepting that the black experience does not revolve around white people as is the case with the OP. If they see a black film, particularly a period piece, they automatically assume this must be about the mistreatment of blacks at the hands of whites. They don't have the intellectual capacity to understand that the black experience covers much ground and most of the experiences revolve around personal situations within black families.

Well stated!!!

"when they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama



They don't have the intellectual capacity to understand that the black experience covers much ground and most of the experiences revolve around personal situations within black families.

Damn right,leophy. That's what I was talking about earlier----life in these United States, and on this earth, dosen't end and began with white people and their stories, anyway. They're so used to everything in American film being about them and their experiences (having dominated Hollywood for most of its existence) that when they see one that isn't, they don't know how to handle it, and they have a very narrow stereotyped view of the black American experience as shown through Hollywood films (which aren't that many, come to think of it--Hollywood only puts out barely a handful each year,anyway. We're Americans too, and we're been here in this country just as damn long as they have. Yet some of them act as if they can't relate to anything on a screen that dosen't have white people front and center and being the dominant narrative like they always do. They need to get over themselves, and real quick.

And to the OP--black people in this country DID suffer as slaves in this country for the first 300 years of its existence--that's our history,it's a damn fact, not fiction--there is no getting around that---all that s*** really happened to us. This is not some damn contest where we can determine who "suffered" the most, or some dumb s*** like that. What I don't understand is why the hell you're taking that as some kind of affront to you as a Latina. It has nothing to do with you---it's a black American story written by a black American, and directed/produced by black Americans. It's not about you either. There are plenty of Latin American films you can watch for yourself. Tired of white folks and other non-white folks acting as if we should just shut up and never tell our stories, and about our experiences with racism just because THEY can't deal with it. Fck that. Too damn bad---like I said once before,it's not about you. I don't see anybody except black people being told to not bear witness to and put their stories of racism out there. Once again, it ain't about you,it's about US. You can deal with that, or not---your choice.


Amen and Amen again on that statement...




The story revolves around a man who missed opportunities due to his own insecurities.

In that case, feminist woman can learn a lot from watching his character.

BUT since he's male, they probably won't see him as something to learn from.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


What exactly could feminists learn from his character? How was that relevant? You seem a bit too opportunistic to bring down certain demographics that you barely make any sense while doing so.


on the internet, there's always one of you. You who diminish the experiences of others. You who think talk about one person is somehow against you. Well, it's all about you, isn't it? I'm sure you find that if you never talk about your experiences, then you have no problems. Surely we need more movies about the struggles of white people, don't we?

Well, hip-hip hooray for your cheap climax!


I'm not going to feel guilty about my people's stories being told on the big screen. Every culture has stories to tell, regardless of skin color Sir. It's called life experiences and some of it is HISTORY.


You're either white middle aged man or just an idiot.



The film is story about a black family in the '50s---it has nothing to do with so-called "white guilt". I swear,white people and other non-whites need to get over this bull**** notion that every black film is going to slam white people. Newsflash--it's not about you. The whole damn world does not revolve around what the hell white people think. And the reality is, black people DID suffer in this country and were made to deliberately suffer by white people--that is OUR history in this country whether you like it or not. Tired of black films getting slammed as some "white guilt trip" BS thing just because WE want to tell our own DAMN stories about ourselves,which include racism, and issues with white people (which we're had since this country (which is OUR country,too,dammit) started--your white ancestors started all that defining people by race s***.) All right, I'm done ranting, but I'm sick and tired of seeing this bull**** about "white guilt" on the board of literally EVERY damn movie that deals with black history in this country. Give it up--I'm tired of seeing that stupid s*** all the damn time,for real.


activista you're a moron kid lol stop talking coward. this movie is another lame pro black brain washing agenda to get us to feel sorry for coward scum bag blacks lol what else is new.

...get a clue kid. this is more white guilt trash. period. denzel is an idiot too. this black garbage will flop anyways lol



.'Yes. Only black people. 🙄 Btw That's sarcasm in case you don't know.. because judging by your statement, you most likely do need many things explained to you."

Oh, here we go. Why can't you Liberals get over yourselves already? OP has a point. You don't like it, here's some crayons.


Snowflake, it's not always about you.

Free country.

Don't watch the movie.

Plenty of Movies by whites for whites.

Feel better.



Like I said, you the clueless ones----whenever black people make a film about their own history, it's NOT about you. Black history in this country is basically inseparable from the fact that white people were (and still are) racist as hell toward black people---they just cover it better these days. However, since white voters elected a pathetic, narcissistic,ignorant fool who has clearly shown himself to be a racist/sexist out-of-touch idiot, and is clearly unqualified for the position----the racists now feel that they can show their true ugliness---his spouting his disgusting views for over a year nonstop has clearly given the green light for them to feel they can be racist as hell with no consequences. That's what I find disgusting.

Also, I'm a grown adult person---I'm not some little spoiled brat child who has to call people names instead of having an actual mature conversation. The point is, with FENCES being set in the era it is set in, it would be impossible for it not to deal with racism and how it affects the family at some point. And as for your immature and ignorant "black garbage" comment, funny how you're slamming a film you haven't even seen simply because it's about black people,which shows how stupid, racist and just plain damn ignorant you are. FENCES is about American history from a black perspective--FYI, every film that deals with black people is not even about "white guilt" because they're not even about white people, for one thing. Tired of ignorant white people like constantly bringing up this "white guilt" bull****---trust me, black people could give less than a damn whether you feel guilty about anything concerning us. We're living our regular lives just like anybody else. We sure as hell aren't going to stop making movies about out history just because YOU have issues with it. As for me, I'm going to check out the film because one of my fave actors---Viola Davis---is in it. Plain and simple. Black history isn't all about making white people feel guilty about a damn thing---like most history, it simply is what it is. Now grow the hell up and deal with that.


This is crazy and unbelievable face it EVERYTHING is not about RACE. So you get over that BULLSH@T this is about a family that happened to be black. Written by a great playwright, August Wilson, who was BLACK. That's the problem with people. They never want to see or hear anything that doesn't work in the betterment of them.


What is it that you are so afraid of? Why don't you ponder that one quietly in the corner you pitiable soul.

No, I don't post here often and I don't do social media. But I read all the threads. All the threads



How is movie with NO white people in it supposed to make white people feel guilty? You do know how stupid that sounds---oh, wait a minute, you're a troll--of course you don't. You also haven't even seen the film---I have, and no it isn't some "white guilt" because it's not even ABOUT white people,duh! You sound like you must be kurt and bishop under another name, because your bull**** posts sound all the damn same. Newsflash--nobody cares whether white people feel guilty about, so please STFU about that, please.
