Man, Robin Williams looked sick in this

He looked WICKED skinny. His last scene made me cry. RIP.

Don't be a hater, dear.


I don't think Robin Williams looked especially thin. Are you maybe thinking of Matt Frewer looking incredibly thin, even for him. So much so, I checked HIS IMDB profile to see if he had recently passed away (he hadn't).

I LOVED this movie. It was mostly fun and a bit touching.

I did tear up a lot at the end knowing that we had lost both Robin Wiiliams AND Mickey Rooney. They are BOTH on my list of all-time greats, and it's a shame that they are both now gone. They both gave a LOT to the acting world and entertainment, and to thousands of people all over the world for many years.

RIP, Robin and Mickey. After finally watching this movie, you BOTH gave me the precious gifts of your talents and my laughter. Thank you.


mickey rooney was a little creep and nothing else.

slept with anything on legs? (it's just sex)

yeah -- what a great guy, what a role model... and he's gone? BOO HOO!

so is my dad, an astro-chemicist -- who saved about a thousand space-faring lives -- and had one wife for 58 years and ZERO breaches of that contract.

but yeah -- you know -- rooney was the best man ever born.



I wasn't saying that I thought he was a good person in his real life. I've been able to separate actors' personal lives from the roles they play on screen.

I do like Mickey Rooney ACTING, but I agree with you that in his personal life, he was not someone I'd ever want to know.


Yes. I had to look twice to make sure it was Frewer.

He's always looked like a bit of a death's head but he was really thin in this.

Williams looked a little underweight but not in an unhealthy way.

To me, he was just a bit subdued. Hindsight being 20/20 he looked like he was a depressed and fighting to do this role.


Yep, we all might be projecting our views in hindsight about Robin, but you could tell his heart wasn't in it. And he wasn't in the movie as much as the previous two. Have a feeling he just went with the script this time and didn't add his own stuff to it. Sad to see.


It seemed very dark watching a man with Parkinson's act out a scene where he was turning to wax I must say.

Why do people so frequently get told to read the book on a movie database?
