How did the exhibits stay alive?

When Larry taveled back to NY, I understand they were rushing to beat sunrise...How did the exhibits continue talking if the tablet was in London?


I thought the same thing. In fact, how did they make it back on what seemed to be the same night as they were in london. There seems to be a huge chunk of action mission.


My understanding is that once the exhibits are alive, they stay alive until sunrise no matter where the tablet is.

Also, London is about 6 hours ahead of NYC. If they manage to have a direct flight, it's possible to come back to NYC at 1 or 2 hours later than when they arrived (for a flight of 7 or 8 hours total including the time to get the airport). But yeah, I did notice too that it was very far-fetched; they just wanted to have one last scene with the exhibits alive. Most of the plot was just to have excuses to show certain characters making certain jokes.
