MovieChat Forums > Half-Life Discussion > If they screw this up, I'm gonna be mad

If they screw this up, I'm gonna be mad

Half Life is a videogame of my childhood. I bought the first game in 1998 when I was 16. Most movie adaptations of video games suck (Doom, Tomb Raider, Max Payne, Bloodrayne..). I am not aware of a single successful video game to movie adaptation so chances are this one will suck too.


it'll instead about opening a gateway to hell. why would they give audiences what they want? fuck the fans reinvent the story and tell one nobody wants and change everything good about it into an unrecognizable mess


Don't get your hopes up, Bad Robot are involved.



God help us all.


Too bad, I've wanted to see a Half-Life movie for 20+ years too, but with Bad Robot involved it will be Half-dead after the first trailer!


Why do they have a bad reputation? From the movies they produced it doesn't sound awful.


Bad Robot's poor storytelling put me off Star Wars and Star Trek for years, I still haven't watched the last two Star Wars movies and doubt I ever will. I loved both those franchises until Bad Robot got its unimaginative hands on them.


"I loved both those franchises until Bad Robot got its unimaginative hands on them."

Yeah, but surely you STILL love the Star Trek and Star Wars stuff that came BEFORE Bad Robot, right?
If not, I've never understood this attitude that new bad stuff would put someone off old good stuff when it comes to franchises affected by Political Correctness/Identity Politics/Wokeness.
Think of them as products of their time, the reasonable stuff before the madness that came after.

I still enjoy the OT/PT of Star Wars and TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT of Star Trek, as well as most of the original movies of Star Trek. Don't let the new crap take away from your enjoyment of those franchises, Rio!


Yeah, I still love the stuff prior Bad Robot, and enjoyed The Mandalorian too!

I watched season one of Discovery and the first episode of Picard, that was enough for me. LOL


I also managed to endure season one of Discovery, but a few episodes of Picard was more than too much. And from what I've heard Discovery do since via Major Grin on YouTube, I'm glad I stopped. Star Trek via Kurtzman seems more like reliving Trek's greatest hits in a new form than anything else these days!


Such a shame with special effects so good these days but storytelling so bad.




Is it too difficult for your ilk to understand what tarnished means? Get a fucking dictionary.

If you catch your beloved mom doing something horrible and despicable, your image of her will change, no matter how wanderfull you found her beforehand. And it will not go back to what it was.

Pretending something new did not happen cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again.


Dear god he's gonna screw it up, I have a bad feeling. It'll be lens flare galore and the crowbar will be shiny as hell.


"If you can't make something look good, make it shiny" - first rule of computer rendering.


Bad Reboot


A movie will never live up to the impact that the video game had on the industry. A film could be good, although the plot isn't exactly unique. Hopefully it's massively successful and we'll get Half Life 3 to finally finish the dang story that Valve refuses to do.


I doubt this will happen, it has been six years since the last proper update and nine years when it was first announced.


It's Jar Jar Abrams, of course he will screw it up. It will have mystery boxes everywhere.


I can't see it happening. We never even know if we will get another game.
