MovieChat Forums > Endeavour (2012) Discussion > S4 E3 - Spoiler - Who phoned Endeavour...

S4 E3 - Spoiler - Who phoned Endeavour from the call box?

Miss Thursday?

It clearly led Morse directly to her after the operator read out the number on the reverse the charges call.

But when he tracked her down, she just didn't want to see him. Either it was that she knew she was expecting company momentarily, or she simply didn't want to see Morse, full stop?

So if was Miss Thursday who phoned from the call box, why did she call at all?

And if it was not Miss Thursday, then who called Morse, apparently knowing he'd be able to track her down and find her? Somebody knew Morse and Miss Thursday were acaquainted--and they had Morse's home number.

Does this have anything to do with the Tarot Card dealer we've seen at the end of episodes 1,2 and 3?

Having seen episode 4 yet, so maybe all is illuminated.

And also...Leamington? Why Leamington?


I think we'll never find out, just as we never found out who was stealing evidence in S2.


It was definitely Joan who called, she was clearly mixed up emotionally hence the silent call, part of her wanted her help but part of her wanted to be alone.


Yes, so it seems.

After seeing Episode 4, Harvest, it's apparent she does reach out for Morse when she needs support. So that answers the hang up call mystery.

It was a moving 1967 touch to have the hospital phone him after losing the child (or did she have a back street termination with the money Morse gave her?).

In her position back then she'd have had to present herself in that condition at the hospital as a married woman, so she had them phone Morse for her cover story--also probably just because she relies on him so much in times of trouble.

I remember back then--a woman who was single coming to a hospital like that, after an illegal termination or even miscarriage, would be in trouble if they suspected anything. A quick call to a friend to pose as the husband would be key to stop questions being asked or police contacted if the male friend or boyfriend played his role as husband.

As for the heel Joan was seeing, our good old ex-special operations soldier and Detective Thursday "took off his hat." And not before time!
