MovieChat Forums > Endeavour (2012) Discussion > Morse should tell Thursday about his dau...

Morse should tell Thursday about his daughter

She's acting like a spoiled brat - sleeping with a married man. Why wouldn't he tell her dad what's happening?


Spoiled brat? FFS, she's traumatized by the bank robbery & death of her co-worker and she feels responsible for the whole thing. Most people would have some sort of breakdown in those circumstances. Perhaps she feels that she doesn't deserve any better than being someone's mistress. And she's hardly going to call her parents and say, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm in Leamington, having an affair with a married man", is she? That's what I think was going on in that moment there with Morse, when she referred to the times he walked her home -- she was saying that she didn't feel she deserved him. Being in a self-destructive spiral when you've gone through what she did and you feel responsible for someone else's death is hardly "acting like a spoiled brat".


Does she actually know she's sleeping with a married man though?

After all he did take the trouble to remove his wedding ring before entering her flat....


Does she actually know she's sleeping with a married man though?

Yes, I thought about that, too, and nearly suggested it in my comment. The one thing that made me feel that she probably does know is that she seemed to be too ashamed of how she's getting by to tell Morse what it is. So, I'm leaning towards the assumption that she's essentially a "kept woman" right now and taking the ring off is a conscience-soothing pretence.


I feel the show really needs to change writer, it's too much for Russell Lewis to come up with four new ideas each year.


I really don't like this storyline. She's punishing her parents when they've done nothing wrong. Her poor mother..

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Oh sure, he should "tattle" about a grown woman to her father. She's not a child, but an adult. It's really not Morse's business to tell on her as if she's 12 or something. What is it with people who think it's okay to treat grown women as if their parents can discipline or punish them for misbehavior?

Maybe Morse realizes it's not his place nor appropriate.


Trixie30's comment is totally one sided towards Joan, there's never any suggestion her parents would have punished Joan, in fact quite the opposite. In real life I'm sure Morse would have explained the pain and suffering that Joan had caused her parents (there wasn't time in the programme to show this). Yes she has the right to lead her own life as she chooses but she's behaving in a very immature way in not at least sending a message to her parents that she is OK and choosing to be without her parents. The fact she's left her good job at the bank, got involved with a married man suggests she could probably do with the love and support of her friends and family. This is a fictional story but it's hard to see anyone in her situation reacting in the same way, finding a place of her own might have been an understandable reaction but abandoning her career, friends and family doesn't make sense but does make for a more dramatic Endeavour storyline.


that's absurd. All they want is to know she's safe. Just a word to the parents that she's okay is all that is required.


She's too ashamed. Dammit she's a kept woman - and there are harsher words one could use.

Like everyone, I desperately want her to tell her parents, want Morse to tell Thursday - but I think the way it's presented here, painful as it is to watch, is probably pretty realistic.



Of course he should - terribly selfish of him not to. terribly selfish of her too, mot to at least let them know she's all right.
