MovieChat Forums > Endeavour (2012) Discussion > elephant in the room of ENDEAVOUR---Mors...

elephant in the room of ENDEAVOUR---Morse ending up ALONE

We know how our hero ends his career and life. His only joy is hitting the opera in London, really.

Will this mystery ever play out in episodes of ENDEAVOUR?
Morse is darned cute, employed, and clever.
Why isn't some girl hunting him down for marriage?

If he was a smelly creep who didn't shave or wash he might still be a fine Cop.
But how can we believe he transitions to a lonely, somewhat angry, drinker in his later life?

Morse might be oblivious to women, but why aren't ladies after him right now?

"We will bury you"-NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV


My Guess.

It's the 1960s. He is a copper, Ladies are not generally that *easy* he doesn't really have a social life where people can get to know him.

Throw all that together and you have one lonely sad-sack.

He is too honourable to go after any vulnerable victims, well at the moment anyway and his inward moroseness puts most others off too. Monica was interesting. She lived next door, so they were meeting outside work. She was also an outsider.

You would need to meet Morse at least a dozen times to "Get" him and who is going to do that. When you do that - Joan, Monica, Alice Vexin, they all find him likeable. But there are too many personality or work barriers for most people to be bothered.

I hope to god they don't throw Officer Trewlove at him now.....



I know it seems very Low-class to be a copper, but it's a job.
One of the great disconnects for Americans watching uk COP shows is how terribly the Cops are treated by the locals.

They get no respect.

In the US they do, usually.

Anyway, ladies need husbands, want husbands, and Morse is out there, exactly the right age. Unless he joins a monastery for the next 20 years, they are going to have a hard time reasoning WHY no women have married him!!!!!!!!!!

"We will bury you"-NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV


They get no respect.

In the US they do, usually.

I would suggest that what the US police get isn't, in the greatest part, respect, but fear.

Having been pulled over by the Police in the UK, probably about 6 to 8 times in 30 years of driving. I know I am not in any danger of being murdered by a trigger happy idiot on a bad day. It brings Police and citizen closer together. So no bowing and scraping, yes sir no sir. Having seen videos of a 12 year old Tamir Rice shot in a playground and a 23yr old Noel Aguilar on a bike murdered by police who then planted a gun on him, all for the wanton act of not stopping when ordered. This is a list that could go on and on. This doesn't garner the respect that decent law enforcement should have. Having a gun present at all chats, discussions, warnings, arrests (whether guilty or innocent).... basically any interaction whether you are bystander, perpetrator or victim does *NOT* breed respect, but fear, fear of being shot for saying or doing the wrong thing. Every UK cop show has some dumb thread that says "If the cop had been armed this would have been over in seconds". A far too simplistic approach. Look at the first scenes of Happy Valley where an idiot was talked out of self immolation, some idiots were even suggesting that he should have been shot. It isn't the answer to everything.

It's no different than a gang member banging on about respect just because he is the one with the Uzi or AK47. That isn't respect either.

Ultimately I think UK police get far more real *respect* for the difficult, nay almost impossible, job that they do. They do it without the back-up threat of "Do what I say or I will shoot you and then charge YOU with assault, if you survive", the UK Police are forced to think that little bit more and work things out rather than "shoot first talk later", that's why there is a bit more *real* respect.


Quite true---there is a "frisson" to dealing with US cops that is absent elsewhere.
The main thing (and I am not a car-driver, or an African-American) is that dealing with Police is SERIOUS.
iT just is.
When they speak to you, you say "sir"
If they tell you to jump, you say "how high?"

That's just custom.
People that want to deny that, or can't behave correctly in a police interaction are to be pitied.

It is SHOCKING to American audiences to hear how British people in tv-dramas SPEAK to policemen.
Guns or not, that is just not the way Americans act.
Again, in a wild, huge, frontier sort of setting (America), the Police represent order and civilization.
In England, they seem to represent door-to-door salesmen!

"We will bury you"-NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV


Being a policeman in the UK isn't seen as being lower class, but I think they can be looked down on because the police are paid for out of our taxes so some people think they're superior to them because of that. "I pay your wages" is a pretty common response to the police (Google the phrase!)
When it comes to girlfriends, a policeman might just seem like someone a woman might be wary of opening up to, and in the 1960s, someone that male friends, brothers and fathers might not approve of.


You're so right about police in the US. There is no respect, only fear. We watch black citizens including children, murdered in front of our eyes, often captured on video and with zero accountability. Blue lies matter more than truth. It's highly disturbing and most of us are walking around with a heightened sense of fear and dread and probably suffering something close to PTSD. And I'm white and female. I cannot not imagine what it's like for the black community but my heart hurts for them. I am afraid for all of us.


why aren't ladies after him right now?

Ladies are after him: Joan, Monica, Mrs. Richardson, Lady Belborough, Alice Vexin, and even the girls at the boarding school were flirting with him. Trewlove is probably going to be flirty with him, but I don't think anything's going to happen there.


presumably he was the same when young as when old - always falling in love with the wrong woman. There ws that woman who dumped him at university for instance, causing him to fail his degree apparently. And the few times he does seem to be getting on with someone, it doesn't last. But he had his opera and his beer for consolation.
