MovieChat Forums > Scream 7 Discussion > hoping Sidney will be the true lead agai...

hoping Sidney will be the true lead again

Yes, Sidney is the general lead of the franchise, so any installment she's in, she's basically the lead by default. But, in 3 she was sidelined a bit, mainly because Campbell's availability. And then in 4 and 5, she was also sidelined, more from the narrative choice to focus on new teenagers. In 5, I think her phone call with Dewey is her only appearance in the first hour. I want her to be central again.


Ditto. I want her front and centre, with Hayden next to her.


Sidney as Ghostface is the only thing left to do because anything less and it'll be nothing more than a retread


True, but also feels too late for that. 3 was when they should've done that if they were going to. MAYBE 4. But now it's been so long, so many times. Plus, Ghost Face must be defeated. But she's gotten her happy ending, married to Mark and with kids. So it would also make no sense. I think in 7, Ghost Face will be really after Mark (opening kill?) and her kids. So it'll be about her protecting them. Ghost Face will likely get Mark and none of the kids because Hollywood. Plus, it seems clear that the original intent was for Sam to finally go dark and be Ghost Face in 7, which reinforces the 3-film rule for turning into Ghost Face, a la when they should've done it with Sidney if they were going to. Especially with 3 being so tied to Maureen's back story. Which makes me wonder what, if anything, they would've done with Sam and Tara's mom in 7.


what if they did Scream in outer space?


Don't even put that in the universe. Can just imagine the marketing though, "In space, no one can hear you... SCREAM"


Exactly it is what they should have done in V.


That wouldn't have made sense, and those reptilian aliens wouldn't be afraid of any human serial killer anyways!


"Sidney as Ghostface".....Why? That makes no sense at all and it's absurd to do something like that.


I saw someone suggest Gale as Ghostface. At least I could kinda see how that could work if she snaps. I don't see it working with Sydney. Gale snapping and going after Sydney because she thinks Sydney attracts all these Ghostface wannabe weirdos and sees her as indirectly responsible for Dewey's death could make sense.


How wouldn't it work with Syndey snapping who's endured just as much, if not, more than Gale has??


Because it's a dumb idea and would contradict the entire franchise. Also, what is the point of that? Just to have some cheap shock value?


Cheap shock value?? That's what all 6 of these movies have been is cheap Gen Z Shock value


Scream 1-3 are not Gen Z.


With all her plastic surgery, she doesn't even need the mask.


*Ba Dum Tss!*

😂 😂 😂
