MovieChat Forums > The Tunnel (2013) Discussion > What I don't understand about the donut ...

What I don't understand about the donut man vs. Terry Heany

We see the donut man, Lawrence Taylor, dancing in his underwear while eating donuts. So do a whole lot of other people, as a video of him doing so is posted online.

Then he makes some crude comments about his supervisor's wife. Again, it is posted online and he loses his job.

Although he apparently did these things in front of his open laptop, he says he never uploaded video of them onto the internet.

Then on the day he is abducted, he gets text messages saying that he's in danger because he has trolled suicidal people and cancer patients.

Now take Terry Heany, who was found dead in his overturned vehicle with film of his racist rants rammed down his esophagus.

Heany apparently made his views public, so Anton knew he was a bad person and was able to track him down and mete out his punishment (which was, as Elise described it, "to eat his own words").

But if Lawrence Taylor never uploaded any video of what he said and did, how did Anton know to spy on him and air his dirty laundry? I suppose Anton secretively (and remotely?) installed some software on Taylor's computer that caused his laptop's web cam to automatically record him. But how did Anton know that Taylor said a lot of offensive and incriminating stuff in the first place that would make it worth his while to record him?

Did Taylor actually troll suicidally depressed people and cancer patients? Or did Anton just make that up to make Taylor feel hunted and threatened? Did Anton know Taylor from the past and have something against him? Or did his brother-in-law Blake know Taylor? If this was explained during the series, I missed it.
