MovieChat Forums > Bird Box (2018) Discussion > Is this a rip-off of The Happening?

Is this a rip-off of The Happening?

I am 10 minutes into's very similar so far.


I believe the book which this movie was based on was written before "The Happening" & "A Quiet Place", two movies this has been accused of copying .


Oh ok. But I don't read books. I watch movies though.


You must be a real scholar


If I wanted to talk about books id create an account on




The Happening came out in 2008. The book came out in 2014.


Well I finished the entire movie...I will say it for sure has the feel of the happening and A quiet place mashed up together....I would say it ripped off parts from both movies but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good movie. This movie was good enough to be in the theaters.. Sandra's acting was on point like always. 4 out 5 stars.


If it's a ripoff of The Happening then it's much how Oreos ripped off Hydrox...took the basic idea and did it much much better.


Markdown I agree.


Typical spin from markdown...oh wait, wrong topic! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I was actually coming here to see if I wanted to watch this. I will consider your comment an endorsement and check it out this weekend.


I lol'd at this. Honestly considering the cast of Bullock, Malkovich, Sarah Paulson (sorry Sarah you're not quite household enough for me to list just your last name) and the constant intensity nearly all the way through, this could've been a theatrical release. Let me know what you think after watching.


I will. At first this seemed to be a blatent Quiet Place ripoff, but I see so much praise,it seems to be worth watching.


Never even considered the Quiet Place while watching this but now that you say it, totally has that vibe only itโ€™s a different sense being restricted.


Also every zombie movie from the last 50 years


i think its more like a quiet place, both movies have some sort of creatures, the nature of the creatures was made clearer in a quiet place though, the happening is about a virus in the air or a gas that comes from the plants, its more of natural turning on man sort of movie


Similar, but this movie definitely has its own niche. I'm sure I said it wrong, sorry grammar peoples.


Everyone tore The Happening apart, not even the bad acting or the direction but the premise of nature making people kill themselves. Then this comes out and suddenly it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

It was an awful film, no better than The Happening.


I actually liked the happening.
