RR and Keen season 8

Spoilers ahead spoilers ahead

I just noticed The Blacklist is back and saw episodes 3 and 4 on you tube ..

Keen going after Red is understandable, he killed her mother and she witnessed the crime.

That said , I just don’t see how she can be the mastermind that brings him down and kills him , when others far more capable have failed.

I know when it comes to Keen ,RR doesn’t think straight but still Dembe is there to make him reason and protect him.

In her intent to kill Red in hospital, she nearly killed Ressler.. not to talk about possible staff members .. she is no better than her mother.

The other problem I have is Keen and Ressler .. for years many have been hoping that the two would hook up .. I just thought how it was done left a bad taste in my mouth.

I know Keen has feelings for Ressler but I couldn’t help feeling that in part she slept with Ressler as a way to ensure Ressler’s total support.

Last issue..

Who is Red? I really haven’t given it much though .. I just hope RR doesn’t turn out to be her father because I don’t see any valid reason for not telling her by now.

.. it’s been 7 long years of ups and downs... wouldn’t make sense keeping that from her for such a long time.


We know he's not her father. They did a DNA test and proved that the original Reddington was actually her father.


Okay ..so Red is not her father ..

Why is Red so reluctant to tell Keen what she wants to know .. is it possible that her father (the real Reddington ) was actually a traitor and RR doesn’t want her to find out this ugly truth?


the better question would be: why does RR even care about Keen if they are not related?


It’s my understanding that RR has been keeping an eye on Liz since her real father Reddington died .. over the years , he has clearly become affectionate and protective towards her like a father.

Over time, even Liz has grown to care for him and RR doesn’t want to lose that but in refusing to speak and tell Liz what she wants to know , he has only pushed her away .. and now after killing Katerina , Liz ‘s mother, that bond RR cherished so much has been broken.

When Reddingon died and Katerina went in hiding , for some reason RR felt he was responsible for their child ,Liz... maybe he caused indirectly the death of Reddington ...

looks also like RR had something to do with Katerina having to go in hiding, leaving her child behind ..

So maybe initially due to a sense of guilt towards her parents ,RR took Liz understand his protection. .. then over the years he started to feel like a father towards her.


Where *is* Liz as well? Did Megan Boone take time off?


For a while I thought Red was ... her mother. They killed that possibility.

Now i start to wonder if it's not Dom's wife ... there were few hints that Red and Dom were very close, family like.

And we know that Dom's wife was a spy that just vanished.
