MovieChat Forums > Queen Cleopatra (2023) Discussion > This whole "make historical figures blac...

This whole "make historical figures black" reminds me of this old sketch show

"Goodness Gracious Me" is a landmark in British comedy and showcased Indian culture, of which Britain has a sizeable population. The show is famous in particular for a character who insists that everything and everyone in the world originated from India (the older guy on the left in this clip) and so, seeing this whole "blackwashing" trend in Hollywood, and in particular, Netflix's Queen Cleopatra, made me think of him, and of the black activists who want to appropriate historical figures for themselves the same way. The worst part is, the clip is just comedy, but the producers of Queen Cleopatra, including Jada Pinkett-Smith and that arrogant woman are deadly serious, as is the actress, who feels personally affronted by the backlash.
