MovieChat Forums > Depp V Heard (2023) Discussion > This is clearly biased and pro Amber

This is clearly biased and pro Amber

This was an awful documentary and basically paints his win as only happening because of social media which is absolute nonsense. The jury saw the same evidence we did and came to same conclusion.

Yes social media was highly anti-Amber but this was for very good reason and it was all the times she was caught lying and manipulate evidence like her doctored photos (which was not shown in the doc).

They also try pain the Pledge vs Donate as completely synonymous which is bullshit and they completely miss the point. The point is that in her interview she blatantly tried to assert hat she had given he money to chary not promised to give it.

There are many, many things they left out of this doc that lead to hate for her.




"Yes social media was highly anti-Amber but this was for very good reason"

Why? Why was it for a very good reason? Was the very good reason being the fact that she is a woman?

Edit: Sorry, I read your post wrong. It registered as "pro-Amber" for some reason at first.


Does the doc show the director's name? I wonder is "she" or "he"?


probably a "xe"


your misogyny is showing


Your ladyboyness is.


Oh, you mean the doc didn't have a pro-Depp bias?

No, I'm not an Amber supporter, I think both Heard and Depp are awful people. In a just world they should have been forced to stay together, just so nobody else would have to deal with either of them.


The doc could have attempted an impartial, even-handed, objective approach. It emphatically does not. It was clearly made by someone who was in Amber Heard's corner from the beginning, is upset about the way the trial played out, and is looking for any and all excuses for why justice wasn't served the way they desired. It's purely a pro-Amber Heard propaganda piece.


Awful and cringeworthy, especially when they kept showing the memes. I was initially upset when the news was out that JD had physically abused Heard. It was disappointing. When the trial was streamed live, I then felt that she was not a victim.
Coming back to the docu, it was pathetic. Just snippets of the trial which we have all watched. And a lot of emphasis on the social media, the tweets, tik toks and reels. It did kind of sympathize with Amber heard and also mentions tons of evidence not allowed in court. I would like to know what really was that evidence!


So? If having a biased take is bad, then it doesn't matter who the bias is for. Imo it's pretty clear neither is innocent. If it's saying she's innocent and he's guilty, that's what should be critiqued. But that's clearly not happening. And if it's saying she's less guilty than Depp, that's a valid opinion even if you don't agree with it. Social media did influence this case, not just the public but also the jurors, isn't that non-contestable information at this point? It sounds to me like you're mad it didn't paint her as bad as you think she is in order to favour Depp, which again is allowed and isn't necessarily showing bias toward her.

Hating strangers makes no sense and generally shouldn't be encouraged. Why do you think a documentary should advocate for hatred? Even if Johnny Depp is the only wronged party, what does he represent to you that makes you think she deserves more social media smearing? For me, all that matters here is that celebrities aren't exempt from justice, and this case didn't confirm that whoever's side you're on, so it's gonna be a disappointing outcome regardless of how the documentary ends.


As far as he trial goes and the claims against them yes he was 100% innocent. He was not on trial for being drunk or taking drugs or in a shitty relationship.

She was on trial for defamation. It was CLEARLY shown in court ha she lied on multiple occasions as well as clearly rid o falsify evidence and manipulate media to falsely accuse him of physical abuse.


The pledge/donate moment did NOT make her look good. That's your take.

JD fans are like Trump supporters. They can see no wrong in the man.


There are tons of things that showed just how much of an evil cunt she is. Did you even watch the trial?
