MovieChat Forums > Backtrack (2016) Discussion > I am surprised how this story was made i...

I am surprised how this story was made into a movie

How can they make a movie about this story? .... How?
Its like, ok, lets get the psychiatric storyline from Sixth Sense except that was made before so lets just make it clear very early in the movie that everyone he sees while he is working are ghosts. Then he goes back to his hometown, talks with his problematic old friend involved in something terrible they did together. Ok, his friend kills himself because he is problematic. Except they didn't do anything wrong! Oh, he thought he derailed a train by leaving his bike on the tracks. Well I guess he deserved to die due to his incredible dumbness for thinking that was even possible. Well Adrian Brody's character also thought it possible, and ok, nowhere to go from here so lets just develop the story behind the creepy little girl. Who was she, and what would set her apart from the rest of the passengers? Has to be strong.. Oh, ok rape. No, not strong enough.. Rape than murder. Still missing something.. Alright, rape, murder and she derailed the train by accident. This way Brody's character can live at the end (because he is not guilty of the train having derailed). But wait, who would have raped and murdered her? Maybe it would make sense if the friend did it, and that is why he had to kill himself. He just couldn't deal with it. But no,lets blame the whole thing on the father, there is no more characters left in this lame movie anyway. And maybe the audience will think the friend knew the whole thing and the father murdered him, and then staged a suicide, although nothing in the whole movie implies this would have been a possibility. SOOO LAME! Oh, and at the end, so we get that satisfactory revenge feeling, let the creepy girl scare the father to death so she plays a part on his death. Yeah, why not? Revenge murder by a girl. That is a nice ending, right? OMG should have turned the whole thing off when the director wanted the audience to believe a train might derail because of two bikes lying on the tracks.


it's a greek salad


Lol, you're funny. I kinda liked it though...only cuz I love Adrien Brody, ever since I saw him in The Village. What can I say, I'm easy to please :-)
