
I have my sound turned all the way up and I still have trouble hearing what they're saying. Anyone else notice this? I thought it was just my television but everything is working fine.

There is no point in being nuts when you can't have fun.



I haven't watched all of it yet but I went to three different places randomly and the sound is clear and normal for me. I get it on Netflix streaming.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


I watched it on Netflix Streaming, too. No idea why the sound was messed up. The actors sounded like they were whispering throughout the entire movie.

"There is no point in being nuts when you can't have fun."



Yeah, now that I have watched the first half-hour of it I agree, the actors whisper so much even with the sound at a high setting it is often difficult to understand what they are saying. This isn't the first movie to have done that, it is very frustrating. Poor sound engineering!

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


I'm watching it on Netflix, and it's very quiet!


Closed captioning is your friend!


I agree. I had to use earphones in order to hear the dialogue.


I have noticed that occasionally the sound via Netflix streaming is kind of muddled or muted. It might be that whatever digital copy they are using it has a sound balance that is off. I found that I was having to turn the volume up at certain parts and then way down at other parts.


Mine too.. The movie is loud, the talking is very low.


I hate missing ANYTHING. So, I always turn on the subtitles...even when I'm watching tv, lol.
