MovieChat Forums > The Oscars (2014) Discussion > My thoughts on the ceremony

My thoughts on the ceremony

Just an opinionated, hopefully entertaining look at last night's ceremony,

give it a read an share your thoughts, please.

Check out my website, please;


Pretty much the same as yours.

I liked the ceremony. Let's face it, the Oscars are not what they used to be, but as I am getting older, I have learned to look at the glass half-full, not half-empty.

Was it saccharine? Sure. Was the pizza bit a joke? I thought I was having some odd acid flashback.

But, the show was great and Ellen DeGeneres did something that few hosts have done, which is invite the audience into the event, not push them away with jokes about the female anatomy.

Navid Sitarian


I SO agree that Ellen involves the audience, of which so many others would be too in awe to speak to. And, I believe, she puts many of the nominees at ease. Brad and Angelina struggling in the background to make it into her selfie?! Come on! How great was that picture/moment?!


Just another spammer, eh. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.



They should have Ellen host every year. She'll approach/joke about anyone, but not in a mean-spirited way.

If you haven't seen it, check out the '07 show, in which she goes into the crowd and asks Clint Eastwood if she could have her picture taken w/him. (This was before they became neighbors and good friends, and he started coming on her show.). This is after she asks Martin Scorcese to read her script - he has a great sense of humor.

As Eastwood's wife starts to take the camera she's holding out, Ellen "notices" a certain director you may recognize on the other side of her and says Oh! I bet *he* can take a good picture! What happens next is priceless.


And who knows? Perhaps she might do another selfie on Twitter next year.

By the way, this certain director is so obvious to give away, I will give a cryptic clue:

He's one of a few directors to receive the Directors Guild Award for directing without being nominated for Best Director at the Oscars.

E-mail me at for the answer. Who knows? You may get a prize.



Wrong director, my friend!


I forgot to add something:

In 1985, this "certain" director became one of the few directors who won a Director's Guild for Directorial Achievement in film without being nominated for Best Director that year.

Do I still have the wrong director?


Sorry, but yes. He won both awards that year.

Watch the clip, it's "seriously" funny! Or are you afraid to go back in the water?


He won the Director's Guild of America award, but was NOT nominated for Best Director that year.

Oh, I'll give it away.

It was Steven Spielberg, who won the DGA award for The Color Purple but was shafted by the Academy.

Now, do I still have the wrong director?!!!

Navid Sitarian


Oy vey! You have that, and my sincere apology. I misread his nom for TCP!

I also thought you meant he'd never won an Oscar, so misread that line as well.


(I meant you have the "right" director. Thought you said "the right" this time. And I was an English major?!)


Hey, I was a History major, and what am I doing? Clerical work.


P.S. At least I tried to get into grad school....several times.

P.P.S. It's a long story.
