Ellen? Boooring!

Guess they want the single moms who's husbands choose what to watch in the evening NOT watching Ellen do something trendy and non classical with the latest social media like the now-irrelevant MySpace bit we all can't remember.

Any guesses? Something with Twitter or YouTube? Or probably something with that annoying French kid from Vine in a town know for anti-French rhetoric? Sounds great!

Guess we'll just have to sleep through it and read about it in the morning.


And lame, and unfunny


Guess they want the single moms who's husbands...

Think about what you just said there. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Which is why I had to stop reading after that.

Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night


Wow, IMDb Oscar boards become troll-central;
what a surprise!



I agree. She actually wasn't bad, but didn't really have much to add


She is hosting in pure Ellen style, fun and good-hearted.


I'm shocked at how dull and terrible she's been. Besides insulting Liza early, she has been dull as dirt. Not funny and not entertaining either.

The pizza bit worked but that's about it.


yeah i agree and stuff like the pizza bits were just awkward need to get billy crystal back


I ask that they get a former Oscar winner not working to do the Oscar stop with the lame comedian angle I want to watch the Oscars NOT someone trying to be funny for 3 1/2 - 4 hours. The pizza thing was stupid and the selfie thing was even dumber than that. Bring some class back to the Oscars.


I usually like her a lot but wasn't to crazy about this...the pizza thing was a time waster I would have rather watched a psh montage or montage of all the film noms...she just seemed to like to hobnob with the front row


Even if I didn't like her, she'd still be miles better than MacFarlane or, heaven help us, Billy "The Snorefest" Crystal.


I think Jimmy Kimmel would be ideal.
Probably the funniest of all talk show hosts.
