MovieChat Forums > The Oscars (2014) Discussion > Holy Sheet! Why does the music category ...

Holy Sheet! Why does the music category get such a showcase?!

Who gives a flying fuq! No gives a rats ass about music, let alone the original kind that gets played in movies. Why the hell does the show have to waste hours with these garbage performances? No one needs to hear them. It's bad enough we have to sit through worthless categories like best animation, and friggen sound awards. Now the show is gonna end March 5th.


Film score and sound awards worthless? How can you have a movie without sound? Without music?


Oh stop being so simplistic. No one is saying that, but these songs, sounds, and score are so interchangeable that it doesn't even matter. It'd be like wondering what type of camera they use to film. No one cares. No one leaves the theater wondering who did the score, or cares about what songs played. Maybe one movie every few years has music like that. So we don't need friggen music numbers for EVERY Song at EVERY Oscars. Complete waste of time, and quite a joke, especially when you hear how bad these people are live without producers, auto-tune, and friggen pro tools.


On the contrary, you're the simplistic one.

Memorable, iconic film scores have been written by composers such as Bernard Herrmann (Psycho), Danny Elfman (Edward Scissorhands), John Williams (Star Wars, Jaws), and Henry Mancini (The Pink Panther). For you to complain that the music is interchangeable and that absolutely no one cares only shows what little appreciation and education you have of the film-making process and continuing to argue with you would be, as you put it, a "complete waste of time".


Can you read? Or are you a functioning illiterate? Which movie this year had a score comparable to those? When was the last time any movie did? They don't deserve to be a huge highlight of the show like they are now. They spend almost an hour on music during the show. NO ONE CARES! Get it the fuq outta there. No damn technical award should be taking that much time to be praised. It's not some major achievement in film anymore.


I think you mean to say YOU don't care. I love the musical performances and I know many people that ONLY watch to see the musical segments.

To see Idina Menzel perform "Let It Go" was one of the highlights for me. Also, the musical performances break up what is a very long string of award presentation, award winner acceptance speech, repeat. The music gives it some life and color.


but these songs, sounds, and score are so interchangeable that it doesn't even matter. It'd be like wondering what type of camera they use to film. No one cares. No one leaves the theater wondering who did the score

I care.

And why should anybody wonder who did the score, it was mentioned in the movie.


Movies without music? Without sound?

I believe that they are called "silent movies".


Geez, bitter about being deaf much? More than a little bit dumb too, but at least I'll compliment you on your typing, if blindness is also the case.
