MovieChat Forums > Annihilation (2018) Discussion > Political Correctness too far?

Political Correctness too far?

So like Ghostbusters, an all female team is sent by today's macho run military into a bubble that slaughtered a team of male army grunts. The all male generals of today put together an all female team with Portman, a girl skinny enough to play a ballerina, holding a machine gun that weighs more than she does. If I didn't like the idea of a space anomaly opening up and engulfing the planet while mutating life from our reality when in its reality, I'd barf.


I can’t think of a single “all female” movie that has ever worked in the history of cinema. I prefer the ratio to be 8 men to every 3 women, this seems like the proper ratio.


go back to the 50s, captain alt-right.


In this case I don't see it as PC...There had already been teams of all males and in this instance it was all being ex military. Even my overly PC sensitive brother (and me too at times) didn't get bothered by the female cast. For this film it worked.
