MovieChat Forums > Fargo (2014) Discussion > Homage, observations and Questions

Homage, observations and Questions

I love this series!

The couple in the car being killed by Yuri and Co hearkens back to the movie, even to the detail that the car ends up on its top.

Emmit did the first smart thing he's done in the entire series when he faked taking the pills.
He did the second smart thing by going to the police. He should have done that long ago. Of course, that would have made a dull series.

When Nikki and the mute are trying to escape Yuri and Co they cross a stream. They should have walked downstream in the water for a distance. This would throw the bad guys off because there would be no tracks. Also going downstream eventually will lead to civilization.

The Prison Bus would have had a police escort in the real world.

Yuri's idiotic wolf hat reminds me of the one possessed by the villain in Creep.

I believe Ray Wise's character has foreshadowed a very bad ending for Yuri. I hope so at least.
Fascinating that when the show makes a hard turn into Twin Peaks territory, Wise shows up.
I had to blink and remind myself I was still watching Fargo.

Why didn't the mute simply kill Golem with the ax?

What the hell was the Asian guy doing near the end, ballet?

Why did Vargas put all those stamps in Emmit's office?



"Why did Vargas put all those stamps in Emmit's office?"

I doubt that was him. It was more than likely Nikki and Mr Wrench screwing with Emmit since it jumped forward in time by a couple of months at that point. They both escaped their near deaths in the forest and now they are back to take down Emmit and Varga/his crew.


Hmmmmmm. Okay, an interesting theory, but I still think it was old rotten teeth.



I don't see why Varga would mess with Emmit's head if they are in business together though? Last thing he would want is for him to go to the cops. Also, who ever placed the stamps at the office also placed the corvette at the carpark and glued the moustache to Emmits face, and Varga seemed genuinley surprised when Emmit woke up with a moustache glued to his face, Meemo came rushing to Emmits room after hearing him cry out for help too, so If it is Varga's doing then he obviously hasn't kept Meemo in the loop.


Of course he's trying to mess with his head. He's already put the lawyer fella in a coma. Now he's trying to get Emmit committed so he can take over the company. That has been his intention from the beginning. It's obviously his evil MO.



Varga didn't put the stamps and the car there... Nikki did! She's gaslighting Emmet! She's back for vengeance!

This was possibly my favorite ep of the season. The chase in the woods was so beautiful and scary in almost black and white, with the mist and animal masks.. The shot with the diffused light inside the crashed bus, shot from above, was so amazing!! the amazing fight scene in the woods, crossbows vs ax and chain. OMG Nikki and Wrench fought like gladiators! Can we talk about that decapitation!
The bowling alley was like from another dimension! Who the hell was that guy? Jesus of the Bowlarama?
Did he do convert Juri or reincarnate him as a kitten?

Why the hell would Sy drink anything in a cup from Varga???! When Varga gives you a cup and days drink, its NEVER GOOD.

The 3 month time jump is weird, with all those murders and bizarre crime scenes, have they made no progress until Emmet confesses?

Meemo has the moves! And he can carry Emmet over his shoulder, who probably outweighs him by 80 lbs
The slanty pipe ramps thing to flip the bus was awesome.


I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work there, Kernel. Emmit is being gaslighted all right, you got that right, but Vargas is the one doing it. He already put the lawyer fella in a coma. Now he's working on getting Emmit committed so he can take over the company. That's been his intention all along. It's obviously his MO.

Nikki is tough and definitely a survivor, but she doesn't have the brains, subtlety or resources to pull off the stamp scam.
Her MO is to scrawl messages in blood on pictures. Besides, when did she have the time to do all of this? She's been on the run with Ray.

I do agree that Sy was really stupid to drink anything Varga gives him. And Emmit did the first intelligent thing he's done all season when he faked taking the pills. He followed that up with the second intelligent thing, going to the police. He should have done that at the very beginning, but then that would have made for a short, dull series.

And I agree with you, this was definitely the best episode of the season.



Besides, when did she have the time to do all of this? She's been on the run with Ray.
It's been over 3 months in the time jump. She was on the run with Wrench, not Ray. (Ray is a kitten now and she had to give him back to Jesus of the Bowlarama).
I think they had time to heal and get organized and make a revenge plan.. Nikki's on a MISSION now, Jesus gave her a getaway car but he had something he wanted back: fight the wicked! She's got the flaming sword of Jesus on her side.
Vargas needs Emmet to keep it together and not lose it, why would he try to gaslight him? He needs to keep using Emmet.

The rather arbitrary designation of Nikki as 'good" (god's warrior), and Emmet as " evil and wicked" is questionable. I mean, Emmet did kill Ray but it was totally an accident. he tried to give back the stamp and Ray fought him. That was literally a freak accident that nobody would predict. Meanwhile, the so called 'good' Nikki is at least half responsible for Ennis Stussy's death and at least 80% responsible for the ex con who got squished with the air conditioner. Both premeditated.
So I dunno, I think Jesus' standards are a bit wonky.


Okay, you make some good points. I guess we'll find out in the end.

And I think it's risky to label some of these characters (other than Varga and his crew) as good or evil. They're just ordinary people caught in extraordinary circumstances. Perhaps Jesus of the Bowlarama knows. Perhaps not.



Pro Tip: When someone has ever made you drink a full mug of their PISS, you never drink anything they give you after that.


Got it! Thanks.

Sounds like another tip from my Uncle Lar (Larry Reeb, on of my favorite comedians).



I am glad there are people enjoying this season because I surely am not. It is too bizarre for my liking. I know Fargo can be a bit weird, but this season seems to me to be over the top. I think I may bail on it.

Keep enjoying the ride fellows. I may check back to see how you liked the ending. Cheers.


I'm very happy with the season especially after episode 8.
I just finished the season of The Americans, which had a lot of slow buildup all season and then NO FUCKING PAYOFF in the finale, so episode 8 of Fargo has given so much payoff. It's night and day difference. Episode 8 gave everything I could ever want from a full length movie even, and there's still 2 episodes left!


That is awesome......for you!

I got my big reward watching the Leftovers finale this past Sunday. I'm still talking and thinking about that. As for the Americans, I agree, no big moment they left us with, but you know something.....I appreciate that show so much for being unique, that I didn't need a cliffhanger or big moment at the end like most shows try to give you. I am so enraptured with the characters and all the possibilities for the final season, I am one fat cat not missing a meal with that show.

So, it looks like I got much more out of the Americans and you are getting much more out of Fargo. Lol


I really love The Americans, I still like the show, it's one of my all time faves, but that finale just was not a good finale. it felt like a mid season episode, not a finale.
I guess this season and next season will be one BIG arc so this season's finale is kind of a middle point in that arc, but they should have just tied up a FEW of the small dangling threads at least, instead of leaving every single thread hanging.
That also puts such a huge burden on next season to tie up TWO seasons of hanging threads.


That's funny, after watching the Americans finale I had to check online to make sure that really was the last episode. It definitely didn't feel like one.

And I too vote for Nikki being the gaslighter. The way she was replaying the conversations with Ray in her head when they were in the woods, maybe she did have a soft spot for him? Or was that a setup to her going back and getting the money Ray left behind?


I bet she did go back to get that money! Emmet didn't know where it was or why Ray was at the house. So it would have still been hidden there, and Nikki knows where.
And wrench probably has contacts and safehouses he could go to, for Nikki to heal up her leg.
I kind of hope for a little flashback montage to cover that time jump, what they did during those 3 months...
