MovieChat Forums > Fargo (2014) Discussion > Why do they want Nikki?? (spoilers)

Why do they want Nikki?? (spoilers)

What's the point of them trying to kill Nikki? She wasn't (and still isn't) aware of their operation, nor was Ray, and he's a non-factor now. I remember they wanted to take him out but Emmit beat them to it, but if i remember correctly it wasn't for knowledge of their business, but constant interference with his brother which was also bringing more unwanted police attention to Emmit.

She just knows that two guys beat her when she was meeting with Sy. So now they have her framed for murder to divert attention away from Emmit, she's not talking and the new police chief doesn't want to hear what she has to say anyway. Flipping a police bus and killing multiple passengers/cops to assassinate a prisoner brings a whole lot of attention, rendering the frame job useless.

Am I forgetting something? Did I miss her having some knowledge of Varga and friends beyond the fact that a Cossack and an Asian viciously beat her? (Her wounds, mind you, blamed on Ray to fit the fed up battered wife narrative of the police chief) All loose ends would have been tied up if they left her alone on the prison transport bus.


I don't quite understand it either.



True. I wish I hadn't read your post because it spoils a bit for me the notion that the show is very well written.


They're after Nikki because she called Varga and let him know she stole that 18-wheeler and has the hard drive with all his crooked business dealings on it.


Well yeah but that happened after they tried to kill her in the jail and in the prison bus.
She stole their truck as payback.
Mike's original post was posted before that happened I think. he meant why did they want to kill her in the first place.


Yeah, true. In that case, I'd say the answer to Mike's question is that since they know she and Sy know each other, they're just trying to tie up all the loose ends. Nikki being dead = they know she could have no further part in implicating them in some roundabout way.


Easier to bribe someone in prison to stick a shank into her. The bus ambush was good cinema but unnecessary.


Simply to tie up loose ends because they know she's coming now.
