MovieChat Forums > Fargo (2014) Discussion > S5 questions (spoilers)

S5 questions (spoilers)

I was under the impression that Lenore was Tillman's daughter when first introduced because he literally addressed her as "daughter." But when Tillman relieved her of the abusive husband in ep 4, told her to be his friend, backup his story, and get a monthly payout I think I was wrong?

Is Ole Munch some kind of cursed human with immortality? How was he chosen? Was he a thief and this was a punishment? Was it a satanic ritual? I wonder if he's immortal in the sense that he cannot die of old age but can be killed because Nadine cut his ear (and "if it bleeds we can kill it"). Also I hope he doesn't kill the old lady drunk because I like them together. Just make him pancakes every day lady and you'll be fine.


He called her daughter in a Biblical way. He sees himself as the God/Christ figure for his county.


Tillman is interesting. On one hand he's this season's big bad, biblically misogynistic, corrupt, and down with murder. He also has a strong sense of right and wrong and definitely sees himself as the hero in his own story. I don't think he would murder an innocent person intentionally. Nadine, as far as we know is innocent, but Tillman doesn't see her that way which makes sense according to his character.

No one will shed a tear over a wife beater (except maybe his 3 kids-where were they btw?) but Tillman provoking him was mainly for his own benefit (to get outside law enforcement off their backs).

I wonder if the show will be able to redeem Tillman somehow or at least make it possible to root for him under certain circumstances.
