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The Ideas for this like a prelude novel.

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Here are ideas for this book right here to tie in.

Squadron’s Legacy Novel

This should be post sequel trilogy book taking place before the New Jedi Order movie. that’s after the Rise of Skywalker and before the Rey movie that takes place in 50 ABY or before that year. This should show the new worlds if it’s the Kevin Feige Star Wars film. Rey isn’t shown but talked of. Rose Tico and Ezra Bridger are the main characters of this book. It starts off in 5 ABY mainly taking place in that year. There’s a beginning battle of Ahsoka Tano fighting Father Opress the father of Darth Maul and his brothers. This should be in the beginning a space battle with a star destroyer containing General Hondar Borrum with adviser to Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious until he died Sate Pestage who appeared in Return of the Jedi or cut out in the Empire Strikes Back. Maybe new characters should on this come up with new planets like battles on planets. This mainly takes place 40 decades after the Battle of Yavin.

He was MIA in those many decades. Also there’s the Black Sun leader Prince Xizor. Prince Xizor and Father Opress are in cahoots. Father Opress is in the path to immortality. Father Opress looks to become Emperor Opress in overthrowing the galactic republic and bringing the empire back in power. There are talks of that other advisers aboard the second death star were killed by the explosion. There’s on a moon by the battle Ahsoka Tano fighting Father Opress. She defeats him and survives defeat in over those years believed to be dead in the beginning taking place before the Mandalorian. There’s Hera Syndulla from Phoenix Squadron in a space battle with new republic military pilots. Hera Syndulla blows up the star destroyer containing Sate Pestage and General Borrum a killer of the jedi. This flashes over to many years later. The father of Maul and Savage Opress Father Opress now leads Crimson Dawn and is looking to rule the galaxy. He’s revealed to still be alive. Ahsoka tells Hera she believed to have found Ezra Bridger as Ezra is talked of running for senate.

Ezra Bridger is in a government replacing the New Republic an advisor to the chancellor and still fights. He also has been training the son of Luke Skywalker in the jedi arts. Rose Tico is in the fight for freedom and is recruited by an alliance to restore the republic. Black Sun talks of jedi killed such as the killing Barriss Offee and Sora Bulq and that Darth Vader stabbed Shak Ti in the jedi temple during the raid of the jedi temple and that there are some jedi still alive. There are talks of Ommin killed by a jedi going onto the council so long ago. There’s a space battle going on. There are talks of General Veers killed by older freedom fighters of this time period after the ex-boyfriend of Mother Talzin that’s the father of Maul and Savage Opress defeated. It’s talked Ahsoka Tano ended up killing General Veers.

The Death troopers came to joining forces with the father of the sith rivals to Darth Sidious after the supposed death of Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine. Father Opress kidnapped White Worm members. There are also the Enforcers from the Han Solo film. Ezra Bridger and Rose Tico team with the son of Luke Skywalker as Ezra Bridger had returned. There are talks of former co chancellor Mas Amedda had redemption. There are talks of Doctor Aphra possibly dead as she’s talked of missing. Also there’s Commander Rex who kind of retired after the Empire has fallen talked of.

On the Crimson Dawn team left over are Margo, Ottolie, an unidentified agent and unidentified enforcer along with members of the clan of Father Opress that are death troopers in black armor who have been brought back to life from Rogue One and Star Wars Rebels. Father Opress is looking to overthrow this government and become the new Emperor of the galaxy. They talk of Darth Maul killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tattooine but suspect Obi-Wan killed Maul and that Darth Sidious killed Savage Opress but both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Emperor Palpatine they talk of dead to after killed by Rey. There are talks of that Thrawn was killed by Din Djarin a Mandalorian warrior who joined the fight against the imperial remnants and Bib Fortuna killed by Boba Fett. Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, Zeb and Chopper with the offspring of Kanan are talked of. Zeb and Sabina have retired in over those years. Luke’s older son, Rose and Ezra Bridger take on the Crimson Dawn just as Prince Xizor leader of the Black Sun. There are talks of Ziton Moj killed by Prince Xizor becoming leader of Black Sun in the rebellion vs. empire times. Bo Katan is a very old woman. She’s not seen but there’s the older Hera Syndulla.



Wait, which upcoming movie is this page even supposed to be for?


The jedi trainee that’s the son of Luke Skywalker takes on the death troopers with the help of Ezra Bridger another former jedi. He in the end takes on Father Opress in a light saber duel. He kills him and Ezra incapacitates death troopers as there are former first order storm troopers kill storm troopers brought back to life by Father Opress. Others like fans or the writers themselves could come up with the name of the Luke Skywalker’s offspring.

There are scenes with the Ahsoka Tano spirit. Also, Ezra Bridger a former jedi who served in the later years of the new republic congress and senate after the defeat of Father Opress is elected. Ahsoka as a force ghost tells Ezra of Rey defeating mercenary Grummgar who was in a bit part in The Force Awakens as he was hired by Father Opress. There should be scenes with Ahsoka Tano as a force ghost. There are talks of others characters killed in those years. Ezra goes in politics over those years of the new republic. Rose Tico killed Black Sun leader Prince Xizor. There is in battle Ezra, Rose and Hera as Jacen Syndulla is in battle too against the villains. Somehow Ahoska Tano dies talked of. Ezra Bridger talks to run for leadership one day. Jacen Syndulla a fighter in the Legacy Squadron. Hera Sydulla retires in the end as we see her and Ezra Bridger older with Jacen present as Rose is the high ranking in the military of the republic restored. Hera Syndulla talks Mas Amedda died of old age. Rose was up to commanding rank in the republic military. She by the republic declared has new recruits in the military of the republic restored.

There should be in the end with Ezra as on his home world watched over by the jedi who lived in Rey. They are Yoda, Ahsoka Tano, Shaak-Ti, Sifo-Dias, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Aayla Secura, Kanan Jarrus the jedi master of him, Quinlan Vos and in the Skywalker family Anakin Skywalker, Leia Solo, Luke Skywalker and Ben Solo. They watch over Ezra Bridger as chancellor of the republic restored in Coruscant. There could be talks in the novelization and junior novel of Rey after she killed Darth Sidious that Anakin Skywalker got him out of her and sent him to Chaos. In the novelization and junior novel there should be talks of Ahsoka Tano killing Xamuel Lennox and Grand Admiral Thrawn killed by Mando. Also talks of Ahsoka Tano killed by Allegiant General Pryde but his squad shooting her down and blowing her up. There should be visions of Padme Amadila and Han Solo at the end of this film with other notable jedi from the prequel trilogy that didn’t turn to the dark side. There are talks that Grand Admiral Rae Sloane on the first battle against the First Order when Leia Organa captured Rae Sloane and Morgan Elsbeth. There were talks of General Veers from the Empire Strikes Back was killed by Ahsoka Tano. There’s a scene cut out of the Empire Strikes back with General Veers killed. That should be retconned as he was really killed in between Episode 6: Return of the Jedi and Episode 7: The Force Awakens.

This is for the New Jedi Order movie. Star Wars is what really started me reading comic books.
