Incredible film

Disturbing, but my word, it really has an impact.
Superbly done, and a really eerie atmosphere to the film, not to mention the character.

Love it!


One of the best of the last ten years, for sure.


yeah this movie kicked ass


Spoiler -

I wish it were a few minutes longer so we could see him thrown in jail.


You must root for the preppie frat house in Animal House.


...said the poster who rooted for Goeth in Schindler's List.


It's great. Gyllenhaal should had gotten an Oscar nod.


I was very impressed with the whole thing, especially Gyllenhaal’s performance. I always found him overrated but he earned some serious respect here.

I know it’s roughly 10 years old (how did that happen?) but even for then it’s a little dated in its portrayal of news media. Social media was cutting into legacy media even back then, and the real problem with mainstream media is that it’s controlled almost exclusively by Globalists and Leftists.

Also some unwelcome wokeness in the ‘good’ characters being non-whites (his assistant and the unconvincing fat black woman cop), apart from the white male in the newsroom who has some ethical concerns. All other whites were portrayed as various shades of vile scum. Also, the writer-director seems to be blaming ‘capitalism’ which is wrongheaded and hypocritical of him.

Those issues aside this is a great character study and commentary on the media. Bravo.


Ah, you're not "educated." All white people are evil. Everyone else is an innocent angel. Get with the program!


Yep, that’s THE MESSAGE.


Have you gotten that chip off your shoulder yet?
