Huge Plot Hole

If Jake just went back to 1960 and killed Oswald right away and traveled to the future to see if Kennedy was actually shot or not he would've saved so much time and still he'd be able to reset it if he wants.


He'd have to wait for Oswald to return in 1962, kill him, make an escape across country, check, then if it didn't, go back and wait years again. It's explained a lot better in the book. :-)


Agreed. Oswald is in Russia until '62, so it's not quite the quick fix OP is suggesting.

Plus, in the book he actually goes back to 1958, so it'd be a four year wait.


would not answer q about whether he acted alone


I was thinking the exact same thing myself. Kill Oswald, return to the future, see if it made a difference, and if not, reset.

Reading the comments below I understand the having to wait until he returns from Russia in 62, but again, why not off him the minute he returns and save yourself the year+ wait?

For that matter, why not just travel to Russia and kill him the first chance you get?

If you killed Oswald immediately and in the future Kennedy had still been assasinated, then wouldn’t that tell you he wasn’t acting alone?


Two problems:

1) He had to confirm that Oswald acted alone. According to Al, the attempted assassination of General Walker in April of '63 would be the proof.

2) He had to get all the way back to Maine in order to escape to the future. While anyone from the future, who knew what was going to happen would consider him a hero, but everyone in the past would simply consider him a murderer. If you kill Lee right at the airport, or anywhere else in public, there's a good chance he'd be arrested and spend the rest of life in jail. So if he did it when he was going to kill the General, or right before he shot Kennedy, then he would let off killing Lee. And even when he did save the President, the FBI still gave him a hard time.


Actually no one from the future would consider him a hero since killing Oswald would have prevented him from doing the things that made him infamous. Jake would've been just a guy who killed a guy. And in the future, they would've been looking for a guy decades older than Jake is. If they were even looking at all after all that time.


Allow me to clarify:

Yes Jake would return to a future where Oswald was just another unsolved murder, and maybe there's a police sketch of him, but that's impossible since Jake wasn't even born yet, and on the other side of the country.

I meant people like us, or who are from the timeline where Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy.


Who would be wiped out by his actions.
