MovieChat Forums > Chef (2014) Discussion > I don't give a rat's a$$

I don't give a rat's a$$

...about what people have to say or think about Jon Favreau. He's a terrific, actor, writer and producer. Fabulous job on this film. I, being a cook, loved every second of it.

I was always expecting some drama or a terrible incident (as most movies do) but this film had a continuous and pleasant timeline. I popped it a 10 out of 10.

Oh!...FYI..I have watched it several times and I still love it.


I don't think I had ever even seen Favreau before this. This movie was supremely enjoyable and now I think I'm a little bit in love.

And very hungry.


I agree. I also expected something bad to happen but was glad that nothing did. Really nice movie overall.


Agreed. I really thought Favreau giving his kid the knife was the set up up for a nasty hand slicing some time later, followed by the hospital scene and the angry mother telling him what an ass he was for giving it to him. So, I was pleasantly surprised that the movie ran its course with no real drama or someone crying in the bathroom.

No drama; no car chases; no super-heroes. Just a Chef, his son and some friends getting on with their lives, trying to make a few bucks and entertaining everyone in the process.
Thoroughly enjoyable.

CC Memo to Hollywood.

There can be no true beauty without decay.


Thank you for seeing it the way I did.... GMTA!!
