MovieChat Forums > Chef (2014) Discussion > To those who say Carl wasn't good-lookin...

To those who say Carl wasn't good-looking enough ...

To those who say Carl was to fat, ugly, etc. to realisitcally be with Inez and Molly.

You are all dead wrong.

(Not that sheer looks should determine the way audiences interpret the story of a film. Characters' looks, when used properly as I feel this film does, should be utilized to convey the characters' feeling and attitudes, i.e. evoking pathos; this means if you are uncomfortable with Carl's looks, and don't buy into his ability to couple with hot women, this does the story service because it reflects the way Carl feels about himself and his virility as a man. But I digress.)

I worked in the restaurant business for many years. Worked with a sous chef for several years that was a lot like Carl, but not as good looking and even more overweight. This sous chef's wife was even better looking than Inez. And he had women better looking than Molly falling all over him.

True story.

Culinary prowess trumps good looks in many women's eyes.


Two things I have taught my sons(25 and 16), know how to cook and how to make a woman laugh and you've got the game won. Both of my sons are excellent cooks by learning how I learned which is by doing. My husband is not a cook, but he makes me laugh. You don't have to be the best looking, have the best hair, or the nicest car, if you can cook(even if it is one signature dish), and you can laugh at yourself, that can make up for a multitude of other things.


I think I must agree with ChuckTaylor. I'm no Inez or even a Scarjoho...but I think I hold my own in the physical looks department. And I can tell you -- ugly or what have you -- there's just something about a guy who can cook. It's like a guy who can dance.


"I'm no Inez or even a Scarjoho...but I think I hold my own in the physical looks department."



Why, Can you cook a great meal and make a someone laugh? If so give us a recipe you have created from scratch and tell us a joke.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so. And I have groupies, Atomic Girl said so.



Socially inept jackass.

I don't read or respond to private messages. Sorry.


"Socially inept jackass"
Fragment (consider revising)

I am the socially inept one?


No. A fragment was all that was required in that instance. And this one.

I don't read or respond to private messages. Sorry.


He isn't It's the $ people are attracted to
A chick magnet



Or sing.
