MovieChat Forums > Chef (2014) Discussion > I'm totally willing to suspend disbelief...

I'm totally willing to suspend disbelief for movies, but...

Jon Favreau having both Sofia Vergara *and* Scarlett Johannson in the same lifetime??????????

It's easier for me to believe aliens from space who can't get through a wooden door!


My only explanation for this is that the saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" works with ladies as well.

"If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid."


Many women do find it sexy when a man can cook. more than that, it's sexy when someone is passionate about something. You could even make a leap and say that maybe his marriage fell apart around the same time he was unhappy in his restaurant, no control over the menu, gaining weight and depressed about what he's cooking.


I agree 'Joyinacceptance'.. I think she loved his passion and personality but we only really got to see that towards the end.
