child labor laws?

Isn't it against the law for kids to work like that? I know he is helping his dad and I know they were just doing a road trip,

But when the cop shows up, I was sure they were going to get in trouble because of the kid working (I thought they were going to get arrested)

so, What's the deal? was the kid allowed to help if this was real life?


Then theoretically he wouldn't be allowed to act in this movie if that were true because he's too young.


there ARE laws for kid actors, thats why they almost always hire twins. studios cannot have a kid working for too long (almost all shows have twins that pass as one kid)


They hire twins for babies. You;re full of *beep*


stupido troll. eat kaca


With all due really need to get a life. For the record, I'm only guessing but I would think a father could have his son "help out" in a food truck. It's not like he was an hourly waged employee. Such a great film and you are baffled by THIS issue. Time to read a book or something. A apologize in advance for my over reaction :-)


wtf  wow mega douche response.  did you work in the movie or something?
I've never seen anyone so offended by a post before lol, thanks for the laugh.

it is a legitimate question, why didnt the cop say something? I was wondering if labor laws dont apply for food trucks or if labor laws are not important in Miami


Children at family businesses are exempt from child labor laws.


that was the answer i was looking for

thank you dear


No wonder kids these days are sissies, There was a time when kids would work on farms and came out better than today's lazy smartphone dependent sissies
