MovieChat Forums > Chef (2014) Discussion > Anyone imagine Louis CK in the lead role...

Anyone imagine Louis CK in the lead role?

I am not sure if it is the lead's facial hair or the way he wore a grey tee shirt, but I kept imaging Louis CK in this role. And it worked in my head! Especially the scenes with the son.


I do now. And he would've been amazing in the role, although I do like Jon Favreu


Louis CK could do the role, but he seems too negative and depressing to me. Once Jon Favreau's character started to get his passion for cooking back, I don't think Louis could have been into it as much.

Just my opinion. I've only seen Louis CK in his show, and I had to stop watching it because he was such a Debbie Downer. Or Dickie Downer. Although I can picture him putting corn starch on his balls.


Funny, both my husband and I said the same thing. It was like a really long episode of Louis where he learns to cook and runs a food truck


Ha! I said while watching that he seemed like a mashup of Louis CK and John C. Reilly.
