MovieChat Forums > I Origins (2014) Discussion > This whole thing... [spoilers within]

This whole thing... [spoilers within]

...being about's a really nice thought, but there's one major, major flaw in it. In the words of George Carlin, "someone is printing up souls!"

In the year 1600, there were approximately 1 billion people on this planet. There are now 7 billion. Estimates are that by the year 2100, there will be 15 billion humans around the world.

If souls are being recycled, as this movie supposes, who's printing the counterfeit souls?

Oh, and the above-referenced George Carlin bit can be found here, for those interested:

Babies don't need a vacation, but I still see them at the beach
Steven Wright


Well apparently not everyone get recycle, if you remember the database didn't work with everyone, just with specific individuals. Now I don't have a clue how the recycling shouls program works, I guess you'll have to die and find out.


Wow that's a bit harsh
Goodness me...


There is another great thread on this that explains re-incarnation includes insects and animal species as well, the general idea being that all souls work their way up the food chain until they attain the highest level, Nirvana. Or something.



When you consider the billions of potential planets in this universe, let alone other ones, let alone other dimensions..
When you consider a soul can potentially split energy and 2-3 times during a cycle occasionally..
When you consider the many many civilizations that have come and gone..


Why can't there be new souls in a belief system which includes reincarnation? After all, there are new souls in belief systems without reincarnation. Nothing about reincarnation denies the possibility of the creation of new souls. (And doesn't the descriptor "old soul" imply the existence of new souls?)


George Carlin was a known Atheist. Totally the 'seeing is believing' type. He knew what we know, which is jack sh*t. As our population has increased, so has the amount of non-believers and Atheists. Something to think about.

Who's to say every soul gets recycled? Perhaps only certain ones do. Maybe not everyone is granted with a soul, truly making this life your one and only. We just don't know. What I do know is that if there is nothing after death, then there is nothing. If there is something, then you are going to find out.

🐺 "The North remembers"


Incarnation is just a mechanism to drive the movies plot. The philosophical debate that this movie asks is just as relevant regardless if your christian, agnostic, muslim, jewish atheist ect ....

I don't believe in reincarnation but I still can enjoy this movie, because I often think there probably is not a grand creator watching over all the universe but wonder, even with all we know... and what we still don't know, it may be still a bit premature to completely rule out the possibility.


One explanation (not one I necessarily believe, but a possibility), is that time is an aspect of the physical world, not the spiritual, and thus there is no need for souls to reincarnate in strict temporal sequence (I know this film follows that simplistic line, I am talking about reincarnation in general). If souls do not need to be bound by temporal sequence, souls could reincarnate simultaneously, or even before the death of the current form, making it possible for there to be as few as one soul yet an infinite number of entities.

Does not work for the simplistic linear reincarnation of this film, but for reincarnation in general.


According to Jainism, there's a reserve of souls at the "bottom" of the ladder consisting of subatomic sized particles, possibly infinite. They are gradually reincarnated as natural inanimate objects, microbes etc and only become human after millions of cycles.
