
Great movie. Until the end. What was all that crisis of consience all about? Here's the deal Bud, you are offered a way out of the cesspit and you take it for you and your family. If later you wanna do the right thing great - do it when you have the cash to make a difference. Seriously UnAmerican.


If to have a conscience is something unAmerican, I just pity you for thinking this way - and I'm not even American...


"Don't act, be !" (Kate Winslet)


Then you either cant read or comprehend the point I made.


No, I'm pretty sure you just said having a conscience is unAmerican. I'm also pretty sure that tripe is what anyone says when they want stupid jingoists to rally around their cause.


I gotta agree with the OP. If the shoe was on the other foot, all those people HE evicted would have done the same thing to him. Taken the work, taken the job...and said "sorry bud."

And as someone else posted I doubt the cops would have arrested Nash on the spot. These are civil matters. For all they know he was saying that to diffuse the situation. Yes, falsifying documents is a criminal crime but beat cops wouldn't have known what the F to do in that situation.


If you are saying that 'being american' is about scams, ripping off your own taxpayer, presenting false documents in court, and compensating failed banks - then maybe it was UnAmerican

