MovieChat Forums > 99 Homes (2015) Discussion > the ending of the movie (SPOILERS)

the ending of the movie (SPOILERS)

It is not clear in the end if Carver got into trouble or talked his way out with the relationship he had with the police. Even the director in his own commentary on that scene says he doesn't know! He says it should be left up to each viewer to decide. Which I think is a bit strange.

Anyway it seems to me from the very beginning that Carver had a shady relationship with the police who were working with him on evictions. It was never specifically mentioned but I figure they were getting some sort of kickback. If so then it would be reasonable to think Carver managed to avoid getting in serious trouble for all his illegal activity. The rich get richer and the crooks buy their way out of trouble.

What do others think?

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


Rick Carver: "Don't be soft. Do you think America give a flying rats ass about you or me? America doesn't bail out the losers. America was built by bailing out winners. By rigging a nation of the winners, for the winners, by the winners."

I thought the ending was intentionally ambiguous, the young honest guy is definitely in trouble, Rick? I think he'll get away with it.


In reality, if you did this -- you would be in trouble for a forged document. But it is not likely that it would result in jail time. Probably a fine, or you'd have to give the homeowner another six months to refinance. (Good luck -- the character was so broke he was STEALING water and electricity!).

In most areas, it is the county SHERIFF who evicts you -- not the police. But I don't see how or WHY they would work in cahoots with a realtor. They are very busy people, and have good pay and are unionized. Are they getting kickbacks to do illegal evictions? That is not spelled out.

If they did though....did nobody call Legal Aid or a lawyer? Nobody call City Hall or the Police Department or the County Sheriff and ask WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? or file a complaint? Or SUE? Not one homeowner out of 100s?


I think these were legal on the surface in that they were court ordered evictions. The problem is that the system in Florida is completely rigged to favor the banks. And that the courts were not doing their jobs in assessing the evidence proffered in support of the foreclosures.

Most of these people couldn't afford lawyers and there really wasn't a lot of free legal aid available. When you're in a crisis and survival mode you don't always think rationally.


I wondered about why the Sheriff does the evictions then the State Police show for bigger issues. In Canada, our regional police handle everything. OPP handles outlying areas and RCMP deal with National issues. Is this normal in the States? Good post though, Nash is put in the car and Carver is seen having a leisure smoke with the Investigators with a cheeky look at Nash... And the forged document..seems as he has influence in the court system too. Great film. Off to to watch some of the Writers others.


Wonder if anybody else has seen Lindsay Anderson's film "O Lucky Man"...... definitely the ending is ambiguous. Andrew Garfield's character was set up so that he would be the fall-guy or the patsy for the crimes of the syndicate.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'
