The old man

Whenever they were kicking out that confused old man my eyes were watering I just felt so bad for him and everyone else this world is messed up.


I agree, that scene was especially powerful.


I felt sorry for him the most


Yes, heartbreaking, so what happens to a man in that situation in USA, does he end up homeless, living on the street?


Well the old man in this could have gone to a retirement home because of his age. But most people stay with friends family or like they did in the movie go to a hotel or if they have enough money and apartment


Yes, he ends up homeless. A lot of those people would end up homeless. That's what happens when you live in a selfish, greed-mongering, capitalist society. Many people suffer while a select few get rich. It's inhumane and absolutely repulsive.


But he didn't have any friends, family, or money.
The cops offered to take him to the Red Cross.
What they can do, I don't know.


The old man had a son who obviously didn't give a rat's rear end about his father. I wonder how that happened.


I know. I almost cried at that scene.


It was a very sad scene and even the bent cops felt a bit sorry.

It's that man again!!
