Editing + Ending

So disappointing when the last 20 mins of a film turn to crap...would have been a Best Picture mom if it would have gone with the mom understanding son's heartbreak of having to do a job he hated for the family and him getting shot by an evictee in the end. Even if that was more "cliche" it would have worked waaaaaay stronger.


Plus if the main house had been in the family for generations, how the hell did it get foreclosed? Did they have a 50 year mortgage?


Carver said that Nash borrowed something like 85 thousand dollars against the mortgage then didn't pay it back. He equated that with stealing from the bank.


I would have preferred the cynic ending with Garfield becoming a ruthless shark even having his own company à la Carver.

Similar to the Black Mirror episode "15 million merits".

The moral would be something in the lines of "One is against the system unless one has found a way to make it work at one's advantage".

I found the "idealistic" resolution of this movie (do-the-right-thing-bla-bla) a bit weak, but good movie anyway. 9/10.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


The cynic ending you suggest would be interesting but way too similar to the recent film Nightcrawler.


Yep...couldn't agree more. Last 15 mins was just so unbelievable that someone in such a bad situation would grow a moral compass and basically go back to square one...if not worse
