MovieChat Forums > 99 Homes (2015) Discussion > great movie but horrible last act

great movie but horrible last act

this movie was very good but the last act completely ruined it. why would he risk his own family's security to save some guy's family? it makes no sense. it's not like he had other jobs that he could do. he was literally homeless when he worked for rick and rick made him rich and comfortable. evicting people is just a job and somebody has to do it. people were betting on crazy stuff and lost big and lost their house. it's nobody's fault but their own. hating on the guy that actually comes to your house to tell you that you're evicted is really stupid. he's not the one doing it anyway, the cops are. he doesn't own your house. the bank does. all rick carver did was steal from the government and the banks. he should actually be a hero here. i'm not sure what the situation was with that family who went to court but it sure as fk does not have to do with anyone robbing them. they borrowed money banking on the housing market raising even more and couldn't pay it back. that's it. rick was totally right about everybody having a sob story but in the end, they caused it themselves. i would have liked this story to be such that they rise up and get caught on their scam rather than garfield having a crisis of conscience. that makes no sense. he also should've had a wife and son and not his mom. his wife enjoys the new high life like in drug dealer movies. this was a good spin on that concept and garfield and shannon were phenomenal actors in this movie. it was very good until that terrible plot turn.


The ending makes perfect sense. This is not just about houses and evictions. In the end it's about something else as well. As the bible puts it:


Horrible 3rd act Nash isn't the best character morally but they shoehorn him into the goody two shoes role so they can do the message.


I agree. The scene when his mom wanted to leave with his son because she found out he was working with the realtor just tinged of unrealistic hogwash. He lost his friggin home, the man gave him a job, he could buy his own house back and is able to get an even better one and he grows a conscience? I'm sorry but this world is cut-throat. The housing crisis taught us that for sure. I felt like saying "get back in reality." Because guess what? If the show was on the other foot...all those people would do the SAME to him. Grow up.
