MovieChat Forums > 99 Homes (2015) Discussion > So I guess if people can't pay their bil...

So I guess if people can't pay their bills....

We should just let them continue stacking up debt..... that they could never afford to pay off....... without consequence?

I am not a landlord.... but if I was there is no way in hell I will be letting someone live in my home for free not paying their bills...


the recession sucks...people loose jobs, they fall behind and they have children

putting them on the streets is fuelling poverty, which we know doesn't bring anything good....thank goodness in the UK if u are unable to, the government pays for your rent/housing!!

any country which chucks their kids and families in to the street is inhumane


We have something simular called Section 8. You really have to be out of work for a LONG time or bit off Way more then you can handle to get kicked out....

In america if the tenants do not pay their bills (morgage, taxes, utilities) the responsibility of payment falls on the land owner.... hey Nia mind paying my bills for me? Didn't think so...

So you really were not looking that hard for a job if this kinda thing happens.. or had really poor planning, habits... but we will see how this story unfolds...


Also for the record.... I was close'ish to losing my home 4 years back when I lost my job.... But I am a hard worker and understand all the options I had to get my bills back on track... (Cut cable, internet, fast food, get 2 part time jobs, gov assistance, use coupons for EVERYTHING, stop smoking, drinking, give up cell phone).

To be honest, even thou their are exceptions to the rules, I rarely feel bad for people in these situations because they got themselves into the problem and can get themselves out...

Their are plenty of studies done on wealth distribution and habits of the rich vs poor.... It is no coincidence that the poor rarely use coupons and are not stingy with their money.... The rich educated are the ones that use the most coupons, and the ones that are the most frugal with their money.



I'm part of a group of community volunteers in the Detroit area who have been helping people try to get their homes back from forclosure since before the 2008 economic crash (which accelerated the forclosure crisis),depending on their situation, and believe me, they came close to losing their homes because of various reasons (getting laid off work; having to miss work after suffering injuries in a car crash or after having had a heart operation) thing like that. I never once heard a single person say that they weren't paying their bills because they didn't fell like it, or some such nonsense. A lot of times the homeowners would negotiate with the bank to catch up with the payments, only to be told that they had to come up with this huge payment ASAP or thy would lose their home. And since most of the time they weren't in a position to just plunk down that huge payment right there and then, the home would get foreclosed on. And then there are cases where the homeowner,even while still negotiating with the bank to keep their home, found out that their home had been foreclosed on anyway, without anyone even bothering to inform them.

And, yeah, there have been some flat-out sneaky, illegal ways the banks have used to try to foreclosed on homes (because they make money off of each home they foreclose on,too) like using a robo-call system tiled MERS to inform people that their homes were being foreclosed on (it was declared to be illegal by the state, I believe, because those foreclosure had not been signed off on by anyone legally able to foreclose on said homes.) Look it up--it's pretty fascinating.

Also, about Section 8---no, you are not given free housing---that's a myth. You have to meet certain qualifications for it just like anything else, and you have to have an income (a low income) to pay the bills. The rules for it vary according to the state you reside in, but there's nothing free about it. Usually people who have never bothered to research and see how the program actually works spout that BS.



News Flash- the government doesn't pay for it, the tax payers of the country do. People act like the Govt is some sugar daddy who takes care of everything with its magical bag of money. In reality, it's productive hard working people who can pay their bills who have to foot the bill for everyone else too.


Those taxes go to funding unnecessary wars or corperate subsidies rather then helping those who have been paying in to the system for years and are down on their luck. A good chunk of people receiving government assistance work full time jobs and are parents but because their employer doesn't pay a livable wage they can't afford to keep their home.

A guy who is laid off after 10-15 years at a company paying taxes the whole is being called freeloader because he can no longer find a job that pays a livable wage. With as much as we pay in taxes the government could do a lot more for its people than it does but they would rather spend that on buildind uneeded new jets or tanks for the military just to keep the military industrial complex running.


my husband lost his job (we had one year old twins and a 3 yr old)...we fell behind on the mortgage and my husband applid for benefits- it was a terrible time, we couldn't afford the heating bills and had to go to food banks.

my husband was demoralised, he had been working since he was 18 and he felt bad...he was always looking for work and eventually after six months he did and once the kids were in reception, I started working.

I am thankful for the taxpayers and the government for helping us through this time....wouldn't wish to see any family on the streets and I know the media doesn't show benefit claimants to be very positive there are hose who don't want to be on benefits but life brings unpredictability and it's good to live in a country which doesn't condemn a family for its to think now our tax money is helping another family


I agree, however building up mass national debt will also affect your kids and/or grandkids, as the govt will be paying such huge interest payments on that debt, that they won't have the money to pay similar benefits to your kids/grandkids.

Hence the importance of paying down the national debt now, and not burdening your own future family with the debt tomorrow.

In a nutshell, that's the macro economic dichotomy we all must bare.


To me the movie showed that it was a necessary evil. HOWEVER - there is the right (Garfield) and the wrong (Shannon) way of going about it. One showed sympathy towards the families, reached out a helping hand and provided a shoulder for. The other was more happy seeing it happen because it meant getting more money. They also saw that the line was an easy one to cross though. Kind of like the movie Wallstreet.


You know its funny this movie comes out now. I work for a foreclosure mill that is closing its doors at the end of the year. Our firm profited from the recession…a lot. A lot of people have no idea how bad things were and even worse how good it was for those who were riding the wave of misery.
