That is capatialiam

This is actually happening. I have heard of it happen in my area. There are people doing what they can tonight back. I am glad this move is being made to show light on the foreclosing housing crisis in America.


The mass foreclosures, corporate-owned politicians, and runaway inflation has nothing to do with capitalism. If you want to blame someone, blame the Marxists who run the system now. The US has been more socialist than capitalist for decades.


You tea party morons who blame Marxism don't know the meaning of real communism and that oligarchy is the real threat in America. Communism will never happen you Fox News idiot.


So, in your delusional mind, since we don't have full-blown Communism yet that somehow means that Marxists policies aren't responsible for the economic downfall?! You sound like a useful Marxist idiot to me.


you of all talking about delusional, you're so brainwashed you automatically believe anything which isn't 100% unregulated capitalism has to be communism.

Marxism implemented in the US, hahahaha sorry to break your bubble but if not regulated capitalism becomes coorporatism which is pretty much what you believe to be the scary communism except the private sector is the oppressor.


Lol his pony tailed lib professor told him this.

Soon your parents will kick you out into the real world


liberals tend to think for themselves far more than conservatives if it weren't like this all Americans would be conservatives as they are indoctrinated with its mentality.


congratulations on what has to be the dumbest thing writen on imdb in 2015..


US has already been proven to be a oligarchy. US also has elements of fascism.


If you actually spelled capitalism correctly, I might have more respect for your post, not to mention the three grammar errors in the post itself. First of all, pure unregulated capitalism does not lead to corporatism. In fact, pure unregulated capitalism prevents corporatism. In order to have corporatism, you need to have government support of certain corporations above other corporations. That is, by its very definition, not pure unregulated capitalism. Second of all, Michael Shannon's character is a crook, plain and simple. He has government stooges that help him in his ventures, which makes him a crony. However, the story could have worked if he didn't do anything illegal, if he had no government cronies, and he just did everything by the book. Let's assume that's how the story panned out. You would still object to him foreclosing on people who took on loans they couldn't afford and defaulted on the loans. Well, why were the banks making those loans in the first place? Because the government encouraged (forced) the banks, especially Freddie and Fannie, to make those risky loans to people who could not repay them. That's government intervention and would not happen in pure unregulated capitalism. Bottom line, they can't repay the loans, they have no legal or moral right to the homes.


I have only one thing to say: Can we please bring back GW Bush? ("Jr.") Life was so perfect! (are you digging my sarcasm??) How about Dick (Cheney) Condi...Oh! Don't leave out Rumsfeld (loser-all lower case.) Ashcroft, I don't care how bad Obama gets (hope he takes ALL your guns away!! Hee Hee) He'll NEVER be as bad as these clowns. Two wars, global terrorism (THEY hate us!) wrecked economy....Halliburton.....Oh Yeah, I loved it was grand!! Hey GW!! You and Dick are needed in Saigon!!! John


PS Ooops! Forgot FEMA Director ("You're doing a heck of a job! Brownie!!" - Thank You GW) He screwed up Katrina, remember?? Do you even remember Katrina?? New Orleans?? I'm sure GW and his folk have forgotten Katrina. New Orleans was about the last thing on their minds. Oh! I forgot!! They didn't have minds. John
