MovieChat Forums > God's Pocket (2014) Discussion > So in the end...(spoiler)

So in the end...(spoiler)

Mickey left Jeannie? Why? If he did not believe Jeannie was sleeping with the reporter, in fact tried to save the reporter, why would he walk away from the marriage?


I figured he thought the reporter didn't deserve to be kicked to death, but I assumed she'd kicked *him* out given all the hoo-hah over the lad's body.

Dom Robinson


Was he also still trying to get away from the mob or whoever he owed money?

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


He knew she slept with the reporter, but he still felt like it was wrong for him to get beat up for the article.

Now if it was me I woulda let him get beat up, but he isn't me and that's what he chose to do.

He also didn't see the whole creepy aspect of the reporters character, for all he knows she was just using him to get him to help her (which she kinda did).

Check out Fresh Nugs, wheezin' the juice...


Simple....Everything was tainted like the meat probably was. Here's a guy who basically was doing small time crime to make ends meet in a neighborhood that barely tolerated him in the first place. Figuring his wife was already lost to him in any case ( I mean from the first scene after and eve during sex she seemed pretty indifferent to him already. I think he knew it was up long before it became so obvious


Being that "He wasn't from there" finally made him leave. The difference between the locals and himself was vividly represented in the scene where the reported is beaten. There was no showing of the resolution between Mickey and his wife. We can only assume that an already broken relationship ended. He had also lost his meat truck and probably any means of an income.
