E, L + P were awful!

Those were the only 3 I truly disliked and questioned why they were even created especially P.

Just watched it last night and thought it was a lot darker and much more consistent than the first "movie"...

Favorites were A, C, K, S, V


I did not get P at all.

"You're entitled to your wrong opinion. That's fine."


P was stupid. I didn't get it either.


L was the most badly-made short but was amusingly bad. Probably my fourth or fifth worst. The only two I truly hated were S and P.
Favourites were A, Z, D, X, M and Q


You hated S? OMG Really?

SMH, can you explain why, it seems like that one was almost 100% liked and favourited.


S was one of my faves...

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson


Spoilers for S follow:

Because it makes no sense a woman is angry about her husband cheating on her so she goes and murders the wife and child of the man who's having the affair, and the whole "twist" is unpleasantly homophobic. In an anthology where the twists are continuously used to shocked and disgust the audience, this one decides to go with a homosexual affair. It doesn't add anything to the story - just a desperate attempt at a twist that casts the whole short in a dodgy light: the horror genre often uses horror as a punishment for sin, and in this case, the sin is not only that the man was cheating, it's the additional fact that he was cheating with another man.

On top of that it was badly acted.


I loved "S for Split", by far the best segment in my opinion.

"P", "J" and "L" were the worst.


A good twist would have been that the husband was holding the murderess' husband hostage. I agree, the ending just sort of ruined it for me.


That's actually what I was expecting. Thought the camera would turn around to see a dude tied to a chair, so I suppose the fact that it was a guy in bed made it less predictable.


I loved S because I thought I had it sussed from the start.

I was convinced that the husband had called a hit on his wife, that he was ensuring everyone (his wife, the police) knew that he was in Paris so that his alibi would be sorted.

So then when it ended as it did, it completely threw me for a loop. I thought it was definitely one of the best.

My favourites were:A J O R S X Z


I'm sorry that "homosexuality is bad" was the only thing you got from S is for Split. You seem prejudiced in assuming than every depiction of a same-sex relationship in a less-than-ideal context is automatically discriminatory. You said it yourself, "It doesn't add anything to the story..." The only twist is that he's cheating on her; the gender of the lover does not matter in this case. Even the camera places absolutely no importance on whether the lover is male or female, there being only a simple pan across from the husband for the purpose of showing the truth in the killer's words.


Yeah especially L.

P was...errr.... interesting. Like a surrealist tribute to the three stooges.

"To err is human...so...errrr..." - Gary King


P just irritated me because it seemed to be a cop out when it came to the naming system (Which is like half the gag!) and it just wasn't scary, or clever, or even that well made. It just kind of was annoying without much redemptive value in it.

I think my faves were B, C, M, Q and U. They were simple, clever, had good basic ideas and were able to really have some fun, while at the same time being genuinely creepy. Oh and I also have to enjoy Y because it was so strange and insane that it was just fun


I hated H, L, D, and P. P was beyond bad. The thing about the really bad ones is it makes it difficult for me to pay attention to the next piece.

My favorites were A, C, E, N, O, R, and Z


Favorites in no particular order: A, K, O, Q, S, and W

Worst: D, G, H, L, P, and V mainly for the tool best friend.


My favorites were K and U.

The ones I disliked the most were E, R and P.


I don't understand how anyone can hate Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Such a great band! Oh...



I thought the same exact thing. Or Emerson, Lake, and Powell for that matter.


E was hilarious and well-made. I agree that P was abysmal. They totally disregarded the letter they were given and made an annoying, pointless film to boot.
