MovieChat Forums > 5 Flights Up (2015) Discussion > Loved Cynthia Nixon's performance!

Loved Cynthia Nixon's performance!

Always loved her as Miranda in "Sex in the City." She was great playing their realtor in the movie. Originally I went to see the movie because of Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton. However, it was Cynthia who stole the show for me.


Well, that makes one. I found it a wooden performance and forgettable.


I personally found Nixon's performance out of synch with Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton, both of whom she shares all of her screen time with.

Cynthia Nixon overacts atrociously, whereas Freeman and Keaton turn in nicely-tuned, convincing performances totally in keeping with the tone of the film, Nixon is completely out of ther depth with the two leads...


...a little whimsical in the brain-pan


I liked Cynthia Nixon in this film. Her character was supposed to be a little over the top as someone with a friendly facade but basically in it for the commission. It would have been fun to have scene with her and Carrie Preston fighting it out for a sale.


Yes, she was working her but off for them and they really didn't care.And at the end it was just, tough luck. And you know in a few years they'll be moving anyway. I've seen people do this to realtors. They'll put in 30 or 40 hours of work for them and not even get a thank you for it when they suddenly change their mind and decide not to sell. I think we were actually supposed to think that part was funny!

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


I'd have to imagine that being a RE agent in NYC she would be used to it. Every job has it's downside.

Besides which, I don't think she was really listening to her Aunt & Uncle.
For me the character was hard to feel sympathy for.


A lot of people have that problem.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


The kicker was when they looked at other places without her. Totally thoughtless.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


Keep in mind that this is their niece. Yes, she did put in time to sell their place, however, she was pushing them at a pace they were not comfortable with and she was rude to them at times. She was more concerned about her commission then listening to what they wanted & needed. Plus she was such a beast at the end to her Aunt & Uncle. It was totally inappropriate how she spoke to them.


They were a bunch of whiners. They were old and would have to move in a few years anyway. Why not let the niece help them get as much money as possible out of it. Weirdos.


Both were wrong, they could have been more gracious despite changing their mind. But Lily was more in the wrong, she was outright rude.
