MovieChat Forums > Halo (2022) Discussion > As a Halo adaptation it's meh but as a b...

As a Halo adaptation it's meh but as a big dumb sci-fi show it's enjoyable.

I really don't understand all the hate for this. I'm a huge fan of the games/books and I'm enjoying this. They said from the get go that it's going in a different direction from the games so I'm not sure what everyone was expecting? It's not high art or anything but it's enjoyable.


I haven't played the games, but I like this. Movies adapted from games usually aren't that good so this is better than most.


I'm not sure what everyone was expecting

Hmmmmm. Maybe a series that resembles Halo in more than just names.


Again, like I said, the developers of this show made it clear that they were doing their own thing with the IP. If you want the story of the games/books why not just play the games or read the books again? Why does everything have to be a retelling/rehash of existing material?


This is what mass entertainment is doing now: taking well-known source titles and slapping them on any old thing, correctly assuming that most people are sheep.


They going full on scifi, balls out. The 2 episodes are good and they are spending money on the quality at least.


The last 10 minutes of episode 5 was pure fan service, I liked it a lot.

I think the story got a bit more interesting in this episode as well, I’m excited for the next episode.
