Last Episode

Was rather good.

Too bad that Makee had to leave, I liked her character.

Is John still John?

And WTF was the point of the Kwan storyline??? Just to annoy the shit out of me??


That was a good episode, I wish the show had more action. Hopefully, next season with AI 117 we see some cool battles.

Kwan sucked. I have no interest in her story. Wasted time.


so much xtreme stuff happening 2 most of these characters, looks almost like saving private ryan movie.


I enjoyed the season overall, mainly the action scenes though.

For season 2 I hope they increase the budget so we can get more action scenes. Season 2 I hope the first half of the season is the Covenant invasion of Reach and then Silver Team fail to prevent Reach's destruction. In the second half of the season they find Halo and destroy it and the season ends with the Covenant discovering that there are more halos scattered across the galaxy.

Just get rid of Kwan and any other unnecessary characters and keep the focus primarily on Silver Team, Cortana and introduce Arbiter. Arbiter is interesting because he can basically be an enemy for Chief until he finds out that the prophet's plans would doom all sentient life in the galaxy so he sides with the humans to stop Halo being activated instead.

This season didn't feel like much happened with the overall story. They established Chief's backstory and they've now found where Halo is (I think?) but there was a lot of filler. Heck I'd be okay with shorter episodes like The Mandalorian if they went really focused on the action scenes and not waste time with Kwan and whatnot.
