MovieChat Forums > Backcountry (2015) Discussion > Movies like this make me appreciate how ...

Movies like this make me appreciate how lucky I am...

In my life I have had run ins with aggressive animals multiple times and am still alive.

I had a crazy St. Bernard chase me along the highway when I was running as a teenager in the country. Like Cujo, insane, and I managed to outrun it until a car came and smashed it in the face with the car when I got in.

When I was hiking as a kid (younger) by myself I was stalked by a cougar and heard snapping sounds and turned around to see the yellow eyes of the cougar looking at me through the leaves. I screamed at it and it ran off.

And last but not least, at around age 13 I was hiking near my home and a baby black bear came out of the woods and wandered up to me. The mother then came out, stood on her hind legs and huffed at me, waved her front paws and showed her teeth, etc. I told her she had a "very nice baby" and she looked me right in the eyes, grunted, swayed a bit then called her baby and took off into the woods.

After watching this movie, I appreciate much more how badly any one of those interactions could have gone. *shudders*

"We all go a little mad sometimes." - Norman Bates


This is really interesting. How big was the cougar? And the bear? What made you more scared of the three?
