MovieChat Forums > Backcountry (2015) Discussion > The Boyfriend got we he deserved

The Boyfriend got we he deserved

He was a jealous prick. The girlfriend was insanely hot. I think the bear sensed this.


His jealousy was the only understandable trait of his.
The other guy was totally hitting on his girlfriend in a very cunning way.
He was an idiot for other reasons.
First of all he admitted having been in the park last time when he was still in high school, a dozen years before. A wood is not a city: it can change considerably in all those years. He also considered himself too tough to bring a *beep* map, left the phone in the car. Got lost, got injured, no chance to get help in reasonable time.
He was leading a totally inexperienced woman into the wild with only the back up of a ranger that would have come only if the two won't have returned after the planned time.
At least he had the bear spray.


It's been a long time since I've hated a character as much as I hated the boyfriend. He showed absolutely zero respect for his girlfriend, pushing her to continue on the hike when she wanted to stop, stealing her phone, and willfully putting her in grave danger by not bringing a ******* map, all to achieve HIS romantic dream -- not hers! And I couldn't help but notice that SHE was the one who apologized after (rightly) pointing out the whole situation was his fault. He never once said he was sorry.

I think the very first scene in the car, when she was taking that "How Good Is Your Boyfriend?" quiz and he was failing every question, was foreshadowing.

I was cheering for the bear.


He definitely made some stupid decisions but as for being a "jealous prick". Hell no, if I was out camping with my husband and came back to see him talking to another woman who he invited to dinner without consulting me... I probably would've reacted WAY worse than he did. As for him leaving her phone back at the car where it could be stolen, and more importantly not be there in case of emergency... yes that was very stupid.


Thank you! I don't know where it's like elsewhere, but where I'm from, if you pass someone you don't know in the woods, you politely wave (maybe ask about animals) and carry on wherever you were going. No way would I invite a stranger like that into my camp, especially at night. And if someone invited me into their camp like that, I'd decline. Brad was definitely a creep.
Alex definitely deserved a good roasting, but in no way did he deserve to have his life ended in such a horrific way.


Glad to see common sense seems to be prevailing here, finally. People also seem to forget that Alex was planning to propose on this little getaway. Random stranger showing up and staying for dinner could definitely get in the way of those plans. Just saying.


in no way did he deserve to have his life ended in such a horrific way
Don't disrespect mother nature.


He was a dumb ass for sure, but you really believe he deserved to be torn to shreds by a bear? I'm kind of glad I don't know you.


Don't disrespect mother nature.


You are totally wrong! He told her to get behind him when the bear came! He rightly assumed no bears in the area. He was a hero.


"rightly assumed" means that his assumption was correct. It was not.

He was heroic at the end but the whole situation was his fault. He arrogantly assumed that he didn't need a map and would be able to find his way around even though he hadn't been there since high school. He saw signs of a bear along the way and stupidly ignored them and then left food outside the tent, which caused the bear to approach their campsite.


Well put. He was woefully under-prepared and over-confident. He was fairly stubborn but also had a rather large inferiority complex in regards to his successful girlfriend. He was in over his head in both the wilderness and his relationship; it was a really interesting similarity. The poor jerks just wanted so desperately to show her that he was not a total loser and the consequences were mortal. I am glad that he didn't get his girlfriend killed as well.

All that said, I definitely don't agree with the OP that he deserved to be mauled and eaten just for being an irresponsible ass. I did think it was funny though that the actor's name was Jeff Roop and his character was turned into bear poop. Silly things like that amuse me :)
